Chapter 24 : Minha Vida (My Life)

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MBBG Book 1 - The Bad Boys Taught Me.

Chapter 24 : Minha Vida.


I've been scared before.

I've truly felt fear.

I've also felt disappointment,rage,hate and disgust. But this is the first time that I've ever felt them all at once. I felt like a bucket of ice cold water was poured over my head. I felt like oxygen stopped flowing into my lungs and I couldn't breathe. This was all because of those stone cold blue eyes staring deep into my soul.

"Why are you here ?",I whisper.

He chuckled at my obvious fear of him. He was sadistic and made no effort to hide the pleasure he was getting from having me squirm and back away at his gaze.

I needed to be far away from him. Having him this close to me was driving me insane. I felt sick and disgusted just by the sight of him.

He took a step closer to me. I immediately took one back. My chest started rising and falling quickly,indicating that I was scared and on the verge of having a panic attack.

"I got let out a few days ago.",he shrugged. He ignored how tense I was and continued to speak.

"Did you miss me ?",he asks.

"I can't believe you just asked me that.",I whisper with anger evident in my tone.

He was pretending as if we didn't have a bad history. He was pretending as if he didn't rape me.

"What do you mean?",he asks with confusion clouding his features.

What was happening ? How could someone be so cruel as to disregard the fact that they hurt you in such a way.

I made a move to walk away from Jesse but he grabbed my arm. I felt as if I had been burned by him,once again. I quickly retract my hand.

"Don't you dare touch me.",I spit at him.

"Why are you acting this way,Athi ? I thought you would be happy to see me.",he says with his head hanging low.

This was scaring me. I didn't understand why Jesse was behaving this way and frankly,I didn't want to find out. I've been put through too much with him to have any time or effort to spare in finding out.

I had to give it to him,this was the most cruel thing you could do to someone you hurt so deeply. To just pretend as if you never really hurt me,to just ignore the pain that was so clear in my eyes,that made my hatred for Jesse King increase. And here I was thinking it was impossible to dislike him more than I already did.

I thought I had moved past this,I thought I was okay.
But finally facing him after two and a half years made me realize I wasn't completely healed. There were parts of me that still wanted answers,parts of me that wanted to see him hurting the way he hurt me that night and then there were the parts of me that were so deeply saddened and emotionally hurt by him.

I never thought I would see him again and that made me feel safe,it gave me a sense of security and helped me to put the past to rest.

But here he was,standing in front of me as if he hadn't ruined my life. He deserved an Oscar for standing there looking down on me as if he hadn't stolen something to precious.

"Happy to see you ? Are you kidding me ?",I asked not caring that my voice had raised significantly.

Jesse took a step back and ran his hand through his hair. That simple action would've made me melt years ago but now I could only think of the way those same hands held me down forcefully on that horrible night.

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