Chapter 36 : Hospital Chronicles

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Xavi and I sat by Nyjah's bed as he ate his jello that had just been delivered by a hospital nurse.

"Mmm,this is good. Better than any jello I've ever had,that's for sure. If I had known this hospital's jello was this good,I would've gotten the day I arrived.", he rambles.

I couldn't help but release a chuckle. I was amazed at how someone could remain so happy and positive after being shot. It could be because he survived,which is what we were all so grateful for.
The rest of the gang had gone home to freshen up and to inform their families of what had happened. Xavi and I however,couldn't leave Nyjah here alone.

I couldn't help but think this was all my fault. Maybe if I hadn't gotten in Jared's way then my friends would be safe. This could have all been avoided. On the other hand,I shouldn't take the blame for what was inevitably going to happen. I mean,Jared is a sick piece of shit after all.

"Hey,what're you thinking about?", Xavi asks as he nudges my shoulder.

"I just feel so bad about what happened. It keeps replaying in my head.", I say honestly.

"It's not your fault,you know. You'll get over it soon enough,it took me a while my first time." , Nyjah chuckles at the end.

I was a bit confused. "Your first time doing what?"

"Being shot,duh. You know,for a really smart girl,you're kinda slow. But it's okay, I love you just the same." , he says with a sly smile.

I roll my eyes at the last bit. "Nyjah,this has happened to you before?" , I'm pretty sure I looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Of course it has. The gang lifestyle is no joke. We're the L7 remember?",he chuckles.
"And by the way Xavi, we're gonna need to change the gang name. I'm tired of us sounding like some dumb dance crew.", he whines.

Xavi and I chuckle at Nyjah's words. I mean,he is right though. What kind of name is L7?

"I mean,he's not wrong Xavi. Lamest gang name I've ever heard. What are guys known for? Making people cringe to death?", I slap my knee at my own corny joke.

"Ha ha ha", Xavi says with a straight face then proceeds to squint his eyes at me. Giving me the famous death glare.

"Oh I'm so scared.", I laugh.

"And we didn't name ourselves, idiot.", he says to Nyjah.

"Hey,don't call me an idiot. I just got shot."

"Yeah,because you're an idiot."

"No I'm not !"

"Are too!"

"No !"

"Yes !"

"Shut up !"

"You first !"

"No you !"

"No you !"

"I said it first !"

"No,I said it first."

"Liar !"

"Gunshot victim !" Oh wow. Okay,things were getting too far now.

"BOTH OF YOU, SHUT UP !", I stand up shouting. For tatted,tough-looking teenagers,they sure do bicker like children.

"I'm gonna shut up but not because you wanted me to shut up but because I was ready to shut up." , Nyjah murmurs.

"What was that?", I ask in my stern teacher voice.

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