Chapter 25 : Negócio (Deal)

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MBBG Book 1 : The Bad Boys Taught Me

Chapter 25 : Negócio (Deal)

I was fuming. I felt like steam was rising from my ears.
The sight before me was unbelievable.

He had to show up with her.  I didn't even know her name.

The scene that played out before me was hurting me and I wasn't afraid to admit it. I watched as he held her hand and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

Xavi really made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with me.

He was happy. It was as if the past few months didn't happen. He didn't even greet me or acknowledge my presence when he came in. He was treating me as if I meant nothing to him. I felt like I meant nothing to him.

"Você quer dançar comigo?",I heard someone ask. (Do you want to dance with me?)I finally averted my gaze from Xavi and the brunette from school that he brought to Parker's barbecue. I looked up at a sympathetic looking Dani. I could tell he sensed my sadness from a mile away.

"Sim,eu adoraria.",I answered. (Yes,I'd love to)
I placed my hand in his and he lead me to an open space in Parker's backyard where everyone was dancing and having a good time. Parker's family was the exact opposite of Xavi's. Parker's family was carefree and fun. I'm not saying Xavi's family was stuck up or snobbish but in contrast to Parker's family they seemed a bit uptight.

Dani pulled my body toward his and we swayed to the foreign music. "He's watching.",Dani whispered.

He spun me around so I could see what he was talking about and sure enough Xavi was sending glares our way. He seemed jealous,which made no sense to me. How could he be jealous when he broke up with me and brought her here ?

I got closer to Dani and we started singing to the familiar song that started playing. "Nossa nossa assim você me mata,aí se eu te pego",we sang as loud as we could.

For a few seconds I forgot that Xavi was even here. I was genuinely enjoying Dani's company. He was fun and tried his best to cheer me up.

I took a peek at Xavi soon enough to see him leaning in to place a soft kiss on the nameless brunette's lips. I watched as her hands made their way to his hair and he pulled her body closer lustfully. It wasn't until this very moment that I realized something.

He knew he had the power to tear me apart and he took advantage of it.

I could handle the looks and flirtatious touching they had thrown at each other all evening but this was too far. This was taking my torture to different heights.

My eyes scanned through the bodies present until I saw the rest of the boys. They all stared at the scene with distaste evident in their features. Parker shot me a pitiful look,to which I returned a disheartening look of my own.

I turned to Dani. "I think I should be heading home.",I say sadly.

Dani shot me a sympathetic look. "You need a ride ?",he asks.

I thought about it for a second before responding with a simple nod.

"Let me go get my keys.",Dani says before heading inside to search for his car keys.

My Bad Boy Gang:The Bad Boys Taught MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant