Chapter 13- I Will Never Do Such A Thing

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Chapter 13- I will never do such a thing

After school, Brandon and I talk a little then I went home with Justin.

He says, "I'll pick you up at 7:00 pm."

I reply," but I can drive for myself, I am not planning on getting drunk."

He says, "well if the others do, carry me home with you."

I sigh and get out of the car.

I unlock the door and walk inside, it's going to be a long evening. I reheat some leftovers, take three sodas, and head to the theater room.

One hour later

I hear the doorbell ring from upstairs, I pause the movie and go to open the door. There standing are the boys with lots of drinks, junk food, and beers.

Jordan says, "our house isn't big enough, so we'll be relocating it."


I say, "no way, what happened to Justin's?"

Justin answers, "my dad is home tonight with mom, so I can't have the party there, Kyle house is out of the question, and also Carlos, you already know Luke, so that leaves us you."

I sigh and say, "rules, no one is allowed theater room, and upstairs is off-limits, got it?"

Jacob smiles and I let the guys in.

"There's a minibar by the pool", I add.

I have to hide all my junk snacks from the boys, I'll sneak all of them to the theater room.

Luke says to me, "I want to see the look on Stephanie's face when she learns that your house is bigger than hers."

I chuckle.

While I continue to watch my movie, the guys are preparing upstairs.

Carlos is down here with me, he says, "I can't believe you actually let us have the party here."

I shrug and eat some popcorn while the best part of the movie plays.

I get a text from Brandon.

Brandy: The party was relocated, you know where it is?

Me: Yeah, it's at my house

Brandy: Cool, see you later

I text him for a little while, then continue watching the movie. Carlos is texting on his phone, maybe giving people a heads up where the party is. Once there's a beer, a pool, teenagers and music everyone will be coming.

Carlos smiles, "I can't wait to tell everyone this is your house and you're the daughter of the biggest business owner."

I nod.


I am wearing a pink with blue dots bikini, a short white dress, and my hair in a bun, I am sitting on my bed looking at the time, it's 7:05 pm and people are now starting to arrive.

I lock the doors to all the places that need to be kept safe. I got a text from Brandon, he now arrives and standing on the front lawn. The music is playing loudly downstairs and thank goodness my neighbors are out for the weekend.

I walk downstairs to find the boys, Jordan is starting to drink already with a girl by his waist, I just shake my head. I walk into the kitchen people are already making out and also Stephanie drinking from a bottle.

She had a mini skirt and a blue bikini top that make her boobs are way bigger than it.

Luke comes next to me," this party is off the hook, see you later Anne."

I am about to protest, but he disappears into the crowd.

I walk outside by the end pool, there are a lot of girls, Justin and Jacob are drinking beer and talking while girls take off their dresses revealing their bikinis.

I walk up to the boys, Jacob hands me a cup with some red substance.

I frown and smell it.

He says, "it's fruit punch I make a bowl just for you because I know you don't drink."

I tease, "how can I trust you? You may be put something in it."

Justin smirks.

"I will never do such a thing, I'll kill anyone who hurts you", Jacob replies.

I take the cup and take a sip, it tastes just like fruit punch, "you survive", Jacob smiles, I continue, "for now."

I walk back inside, just in time to see pizza sharing between some jocks.

I grab a slice, run into the crowd then stuff the pizza in my mouth taking a drink of my fruit punch.

I wiggle through people just to get by the front door, just as I open it I see Brandon, he smiles at me.

He whispers in my ear, "let's go for a drive, maybe hang out at the beach too."

I turn around and see no one paying attention to us, I grab his hand, drink down the rest of my fruit punch and throw the cup on the ground.

We walk down the stairs and by the road where Brandon's vehicle is parked.

"So the guys transfer the party to your house?" He states and I nod.

He opens the door for me and I get in, then I remembered I left my phone in my bedroom.

Brandon got in the driver's seat and put on his seat belt.

He says smiling at me, "next stop, the beach."

He drives while I watch out the window, the night sky is beautiful.

Brandon chuckles, "yes it is, just like you."

I feel my cheeks get warm.

I slightly push him.

"Flirting I see, you've been hanging around Jordan a little too much", he winks and I laugh.


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