Chapter 27- Food Fight

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Skipping up to two days before Luke's birthday

Luke's birthday is this Saturday and I have no idea what to get him. Arlene and I are currently waiting on the guys in the parking lot.

I ask, "Arlene, what do you think I should get Luke?"

She's filing her nails, she replies, "a girlfriend", we both burst out laughing.

Then Stephanie and her minions come up to us and fake laughing as well.

She says, "Hi Arlene, hi hoe."

Who the hell is she referring to? Maybe herself.

I retort, "are you referring to yourself? Because I don't see anyone else dress like you except your bottom flies."

Arlene laughs.

She snaps, "well you're a loser cause you never had s*x."

She asks for it, I say, "oh yeah? Well, you're a slut because you're an automatic leg opener for guys, they just have to look at you and your system active."

Everyone around us gasps, I see the guys coming and I add, "well good chatting with you, I got to go before I caught some STD from you, like HIV and Herpes."

Jordan says, "she deserves that, if I knew she has herpes I would go to the doctor immediately."

Carlos smirks, "this is where I come in."

We enter the school.

He adds. "I'll see you guys later", he's up to something.

I see Brandon by my locker with a rose, I forget to mention, he and Justin are good friends now.

I say, "hi Brandy."

He kisses me and says, "looking lovely as always."

I smile, "you're such a flirt."

I open my locker and I get my textbook so Brandon and I walk to geography together.

In the middle of class, someone announces over the speaker, "Ms. Stephanie, captain of the cheerleader squad, you are to report to the nurse office for an HIV test. All boys who slept with her go to the hospital after school and get tested, make sure you don't get herpes from her, that is all, in other news, the cheerleader captain is positive with HIV."

Everyone burst out laughing, Justin and Luke are clutching their stomach and laughing, a jock is rolling on the ground.

Well played Carlos, well played.

Brandon says wiping a tear from his eye," he's good, where did you ever found a friend like him?"

I shrug.


The only topic for today is Stephanie, some of the guys have already left the school to go to the hospital.

We are in the cafeteria eating lunch right now, Jordan burst in saying, "I am negative, no STD from the s** giver", everyone starts to laugh.

Carlos says, "and that's how you embarrassed the school slut take notes Jordan you can learn a thing or two."

Jordan says, "no need, I am a player, I don't need no notes", grabbing my plate of fries.

I shout, "Hey!"

He ignores me.

I pick up the bottle of ketchup and squirt it at his face, he stops eating and grabs the mustard, he squirts it at me, but I duck, it ends up spraying at the back of a jock.

Uh oh, Jordan is so dead.

He turns around and wipes the mustard from the back of his head, he shouts, "who did that?!"

The place goes quiet and everyone points to our table, like if they practice that. I swallow hard as he watches me, but then watch above my head, I turn around to see Jordan still holding the mustard and looking pale.

Luke whispers next to me, "duck under the table, this can get ugly", I nod ducking under the table slowly.

Then I hear, 'food fight', and see food landing on the ground all about.

I still had the ketchup in my hand so when Justin looks under the table and spray mustard at me, I laugh and scramble from under the table.

Food is flying all over, my clothes messy, Arlene and Kyle are throwing food at one another.

I pick up a plate with a slice of chocolate cake and launch it at a guy who's by the entrance, but he ducks, and just as he did that, the principal comes in looking furious as the cake land on his head.

Everyone gasps and watches our principal who's just about to explode, his name is Mr. Johnson, black hair, wears glasses, fat and short.

He looks down at the sophomore and asks angrily, "who threw that?"

He points in my direction, everyone around me takes two steps back.

Mr. Johnson says, "ah Ms. Montez, what a surprise, my office now!"

I roll my eyes.


I got Detention since it's the first time I did something against the rules.

After class I walk to the detention room, surprisingly Carlos is there, he probably comes in here every day. The teacher is none other than our dear vice principal, I hand her my paper and go sit next to Carlos.

He says, "just Detention you're lucky if it was Jordan, he would be suspended for a few days".

The teacher says, "no talking, texting, eating or drinking so hand up all electronic devices."

Carlos whispers, "she forgot no sucking either or having s**", pointing with his thumb behind his shoulder.

I laugh, a couple is making out, Carlos and I give up our phones, then he takes out a lollipop.

The teacher says, "I said no eating!"

Carlos says, "yes you did, but you didn't say no sucking."

She turns red and says, "detention for the whole of next week Carlos".

Carlos shrugs, "fine I didn't even do anything", I just shake my head.


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