Chapter 16- It's Going To Be Alright

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Chapter 16- It's going to be alright

The boys left an hour ago, saying they are tired and is needed at home. Jessica dropped off my bag two hours ago, she told me she left two minutes after my incident and that my mother is sorry and hopes to see me before my graduation.

It's now 5:30 pm, I showered about thirty minutes ago.

I put on a mini skirt and a crop top with my hair let out with curls at the end, I put on light make-up with smoky eyes and red lipstick, my black boots' heels on my feet.

Thirty minutes later

Brandon picks me up, he says, "you look amazing Ana", I blush.

He has on joggers with a blue shirt and his grey sweater, he opens the door for me.

I get in then, he gets into the car and closes the door then drives.

I put on the radio, 'what makes you beautiful in one direction is playing, I sing along with the music.

Brandon chuckles and says, "wow you can sing", I shrug, my mom can sing so I basically take that from her.

We reach the ice cream shop ten minutes later, I get out of the car and walk to the entrance. Brandon opens the door for me and I walk in, there are a good bit of people, mostly kids with their parents or older siblings.

Brandon asks, "what flavor?"

I reply, "I like vanilla, chocolate, and coconut."

Brandon says to the cashier, "give me the three scoop menu, vanilla, chocolate and coconut, and a banana split ice cream please."

We got our order and Brandon pays for it then find a table and sit down, four people are sitting at a few tables from us with newspapers in front of them.

Brandon says, "tell me what do you like to do for fun."

I say, "well, believe it or not, I like to surf and play video games", Brandon watches me in surprise.

He says, "you-you can surf?"

I nod, my dad got a teacher for me when I was thirteen and for the whole summer, I learn to surf when we went to Hawaii.

I reply, "yeah, my dad got a teacher for me when I was thirteen and for the whole summer I learn to surf in Hawaii".

I slowly slide my hand into Brandon's, he just looks up from his phone and squeezes it gently.

I say, "so tell me something about you?"

He blushes and says, "well I like to run, play video games, eat pizza, party a little and like to watch the breakfast club."

I laugh, the breakfast club?

I say, "the breakfast club, seriously?"

He nods.

We then decide to go grab pizza and head to my place and watch movies, I order another three scoops of ice cream then we leave.

We got to the pizza place in no time, we went through the drive-thru. Brandon order, two pepperoni pizzas and a case of soda, I hand him a 100 buck from my purse to pay.


When we get to my house, Brandon parks in my driveway. I unlock the door and walk inside, there is an envelope on the floor.

It's from dad, I open it it says.

I wouldn't be back home till your birthday, so I am sending your cousin Trina to stay with you on Sunday, she'll be attending her college as normal

With love,


I sigh, Trina is my annoying and gossiping cousin. She's nineteen, has blonde hair, gray eyes, and loves to flirt with guys, think of another Stephanie just older and more worst.

She also went to my school last year and was Stephanie's BFF, no wonder why Stephanie is acting like her.

I sigh, "this is going to be the worst three weeks of my life".

Brandon comes up behind me and says, "it's bad news, I can tell.l

I text Justin the news, so we can meet up at his house in the evenings for the next three weeks and weekends, we'll figure something out.

Brandon and I head to the theater room, to my surprise, there sitting was Carlos, he is crying while watching a movie.

Brandon whispers," I am going back upstairs, call me when you're finished."

I nod.

I stand in front of Carlos and say, "Hi Carl, what's the matter?"

He sniffs, "my girlfriend cheated on me and I liked her a lot."

That bitch, during the week I saw him hooking up with a girl from the cheerleader squad of course.

I sit next to him and hug him.

I say, "it's going to be alright, you'll see".

He mumbles, "I hope so, can I crash at your place tonight?"

I shrug, "why not, you can sleep here in the theater room if you want."

He smiles and wipes his eyes.

I text Brandon to come down with the pizza. We all agree to watch the breakfast club for Carlos' sake, eat pizza and popcorn and drink soda.

All we are missing is the other guys, who are busy doing their own things.

Carlos is going to get a girlfriend for the week by Monday, it's going to continue so for the rest of the school year.

Brandon says, "I love this movie, it was my mother who made me watch this in the first place", I just nod and Carlos rolled his eyes.

I smirk at him, he just smiles back, glad to see he's getting over his little 'girlfriend'.

Brandon shoots me a glance and I just hold his hand and squeeze it.

He kisses you gently on the cheeks, making me blush.

Carlos sighs and says, "get a room or something."

I reply, "I am sorry Carl, it wouldn't happen again."

I watch Brandon with an evil glance and let go of his hand and turn back to the movie.


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