Chapter 55- You're Gonna Pay For That!

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I am finally off my suspension and going back to school today. I wake up at 6:45 am, so I can find my clothes to wear and do my hair.

I decide to wear leather clothes and ride my motorbike to school.

I go into the bathroom and get a nice soak in the tub.

I put on my leather jeans, black sleeveless top with my leather jacket, and high black boots.

I blow-dry my hair and leave it out.

I get my stuff and leave the room.

Stacy is still home, dad had to go to an important meeting at 8:00 am.

Stacy says, "morning Anastasia eat up dear then I can drop you off at school", how old does she think I am? 15?

I decline, "that wouldn't be necessary, I am driving myself to school I've been doing it for two years now", she nods.

I leave the house ten minutes later on my motorbike.


When I arrive at school, I see all the familiar faces.

Some of the jocks watch me as I take off my helmet.

One of them says, "Hi that's the girl from TV, I didn't know she went here."

"You idiot she's in our algebra class, that's the nerd who hangs out with Jordan and them and is also Brandon's ex-girlfriend."

Thanks for mentioning I am Brandon's ex-girlfriend.

I see Stephanie and her two minions walking towards me. This can't be a good sign at all, I got my bag and cross my arms.

Stephanie says, "hi nerd, welcome back, I really miss you", I roll my eyes.

Nikki says, "yeah and I am so happy being with Brandon, I told you to watch your back, but you didn't listen", I clutch my fist trying to calm down myself.

She laughs and then I hear gasps all around and Nikki's lying on the ground groaning and holding her nose.

Stephanie shouts, "you bitch, you're gonna pay for that!"

I run into the school and look for my friends, relief wash over off me when I see Jordan and Carlos talking.

I say, "Hi guys", trying to catch my breath.

Jordan says, "whoa slow down Anne you're early, there are a few minutes left still."

I say, "I know, but the cheerleaders are after me, please protect me."

Justin says behind me, "with my life", I spin around.

He smiles at me and says, "don't worry I saw what happened, but is Nikki looks terrible and the best part was Brandon saw what happened and didn't help her."

I giggle.

Stephanie passes us but sends dead glares at me.

I say, "hi bitch, you know it's rude to stare at your own gender, right?"

She says, "whatever", going her way with Jackie, but no Nikki.



News spread around the school by lunchtime.

Arlene says, "rumor has it that the nerd of the school punch Nikki in her face, and her 'boyfriend' just stood there", quoting the word 'boyfriend'.

I say, "well this rumor is completely true", she laughs.

The cheerleaders are all glaring at me, Jacob says, "ignore them, they're just jealous they can't be awesome as you."

I laugh and playfully push him.

Justin just stares at us and continues to scan on his phone. Luke is obviously texting Gabriella, Jordan is flirting with a cheerleader, Carlos looking for trouble and Kyle is making out with Arlene.

I turn to Jacob, "teach me how to skate please I got a skateboard and don't know what the heck to do."

Jacob says, "the best person to teach you is Justin, I'll be busy", I sigh.

Justin boasts, "yeah, I am the best teacher ever."

I whisper to Carlos, "who says I'll survive my first lesson? Just be sure to be excepting me in the hospital in five hours", he laughs and Justin frowns at me.

Then Stephanie comes to our table, she says, "Hi Justin, are you running for prom king this year?"

Justin shakes his head.

He replies, "no I won three years in a row, this year is Jordan's turn to win", tilting his head to Jordan who is making out with the cheerleader.

She says, "too bad, looks like I'll have to dance with him if he wins", who said she was going to win this year?

I frown, "who said you're gonna win?"

She turns to me, "what did you just say, nerd?"

I say, "sorry I wasn't born twice so I won't repeat myself."

The boys all smirk.

She says, "whatever I am totally winning just like every year."

I mumble, "I wouldn't bet on it", then she leaves.

Justin says, "I swear every time she's near me, I want to puke", I laugh.

Gregory is sitting with his friends, but watching our table.

I say, "I'll be right back", getting up and walking towards Gregory.

I say, "Hi Greg", sitting next to him, surprising his friends.

He smiles, "Hi Anne, glad you're back and rumor said you kicked Nikki's butt, is it bad if I said she totally deserve it?"

I laugh and shake my head, "not at all, I am glad it's not I alone feel so", he chuckles.

One of Greg's friends says, "Greg, I didn't know you're friends with the rich man's daughter?"

He puts his hand around my chair and says, "Hi my name is Austin, heard you're single, you should go out with me", he winks.

I laugh and glance over at my table, Justin looks really pissed.

I say loud enough for him to hear, "ha not a chance Austin", Greg smirks when Austin frowns.

The other guy says, "finally a girl who turns down Austin, never thought this day would come, I am Ian by the way."

I shake his hand and say, "Anastasia, but everyone calls me Anne or Ana, mostly Anne."

He nods.

Austin says, "so the nerd is rich and bad I doubted you a lot."

I shrug, "well never judge a book by its cover", Austin looks confused by my expression.

Greg says, "dude you seriously need to take English class more seriously", rolling his eyes.

Justin is on his phone again, but keeps glancing our way or mostly at Austin, so he doesn't try anything funny on me.

Brandon, Blake, and Jack are all stuffing their faces with food and caring less what's happening around them.

I chuckle and shake my head, I'll miss this when I graduated, all the grades in the cafeteria talking and laughing.

I take out my camera and snap some photos, I will name it, 'my classmates at lunch and not causing trouble', just the way it suppose to be.


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