Chapter 46- Let's Go Hiking

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(A/N: This chapter would be Brandon POV and maybe Anastasia at the end)

Brandon's POV

Today is Saturday and I have to go to the hospital with Nikki for her appointment, I got no choice I have to do it.

Brenda is shaking me awake, she says, "wake up, I want to meet Ana today", I sigh.

I wake up at 9:00 am, because I partied last night after my races in the stadium.

She really likes Ana, so I'll have to drop her off there first.

I say, "give me ten minutes Bre then we'll eat breakfast and go", she nods running out of the room.

I got a text from Nikki.

Nikki: My mum wants to meet you later after the appointment

Me: Okay

I text Ana.

Me: I am bringing Brenda over to hang out with you

Baby: Sorry, but I'll be busy I am going on a camping trip with the boys and wouldn't be back till tomorrow evening

Me: Okay

Baby: But I can hang out with her tomorrow evening when I get back

I sigh, mom is not home so I'll have to drag Brenda with me to the hospital. I get ready and make breakfast for Brenda and me, just as my phone rings.

I pick it up, it's Blake.

"Hi Brandon I am going to the park, can I carry Brenda? She'll make some new friends."

"Sure thanks man, pick her up in about five minutes."


I hang up and say, "Bre you're going to the park with Blake."

She starts to jump up and down and clap her hands.

She says, "yay Blakey is coming for me", I chuckle.

She really likes Blake after me, not Jack because he stole one of her cookies last year.

I pick up Nikki and we drive to the hospital.

She looks nervous, I say, "you're just going to get an ultrasound, calm down."

She nods.

We walk into the waiting room and wait until Nikki's name is called.

The nurse says, "Ms. Lyons", Nikki and I get up, we walk into the doctor's room.

He says, "have a seat Ms. Lyons we'll start shortly after I talk to this young man."

We walk out of the room and the doctor says, "there's a family planning program every Saturday from 2-5 pm, both you and your girlfriend can come."

I nod ignoring the girlfriend part. I get tests for any STD and surprisingly I don't have any.

The ultrasound shows a small ball, the doctor says, "that's the baby, it's now starting to develop, I'll make a copy for you guys and Nikki come back in two weeks' time, I'll see you next week for the family planning exercise."

Nikki nods watching me.

We get a copy of the ultrasound and I say, "I'll keep it at my house", she nods.

I drive us to Starbucks to meet Nikki's mother and get her something to eat. Afterward, I take Nikki home and went home I hide the ultrasound under my mattress. My room is in a mess, but I can care less.


Anastasia's POV

My friends and I are going to camp at the lake for the night. I am currently driving in my car with Kyle, Arlene, Gregory, and Gabriella.

I say, "too bad Brandon can't go with us."

Arlene says, "he's always busy", I nod, ever since Nikki became his shadow.

Two hours later

We park close to the lake and get our camping things out.

Justin suggests, "let's go hiking in the woods, who's with me?"

Kyle, Jordan, Jacob, Gregory, Carlos, and I put our hands up.

Luke says, "I am staying here to watch over our things."


Gabriella says, "me too, I am going to take a nap anyway."

We leave the cute couple and begin to hike. I ask, "are you sure you know where we are you going, Justin? I think we are going to get lost."

He chuckles, "of course I did this a lot", but I have doubts.

Two hours later

I ask, "Which way Justin?"

He says, "I think we're lost, no worries I'll just call Luke", he takes out his phone, but no signal.

Arlene asks, "now we can panic?"

Jordan says," calm down, we're not lost, we are just in the middle of the woods and don't know which way to go."

Arlene rolls her eyes, "it's the same as a lost idiot, Justin you better get us out of here, I am hungry and thirsty."

She sits down on a log, my belly starts to grumble as well. Then Jacob takes out a bottle of water from his backpack.

He gulps down all the water and then wipes his mouth, all of us just stare at him.

He looks confused, Arlene glares at him, "all this time you had water and didn't tell us?"

He defends, "but no one else asks me."

Arlene gets up and repeat, "all this time you had water!?"

She starts to strangle him.

Kyle had to pull her off Jacob who is gasping for air. Justin watches in shock and Jordan also, man people can turn crazy when they're hungry.

We all sit down and try to think for a while.

I suggest, "let's just go back the way we came from, at least that'll help us", everyone got up and turn in the direction we came from.


Luke's POV

It's been three hours since they left and I am getting worried because lunch is ready.

I say, "maybe I should go look for them Gab, they can be seriously injured."

She says, "and leave me here all alone? No way not happening".

I sigh, I listen to music on my Ipod, while Gabriella takes off her shirt to get a little tan.


Anastasia's POV

When the sun is about to set that's when we arrive back at the camp. We all are exhausted and starving, all our clothes are torn, and our hairs are in a mess.

We were attacked by wild hogs and a moose, Luke says, "you guys are a mess, what happens out there?"

I reply, "let's just say, that you're lucky that you didn't come", Luke chuckles.

All I need is a bath, dinner, Brandon's voice, and my bed.


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