Chapter 29- Call Him Up

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Last night was hilarious, Jordan still believed that he actually won one million dollars, lucky for us we know which bank he is going to. Arlene slept at my house last night so we can leave together.

I wake up at 6:00 am to be by the bank at 7:30 am.

I knock on the door where Arlene is staying, she says, "it's six in the morning, I need my sleep."

I say, "too bad because we got to reach by the bank before Jordan."

She groans.

I text Luke.

Me: Happy birthday, how does it feel to be eighteen?

He didn't text back so that means he's still sleeping.

I go back to my room and look for suitable clothes to go to the bank. I take a shower and brush my teeth, then put on a black high waist skirt, the blouse and jacket to match, black stocking and heels, my hair was in a ponytail, and put on makeup then my glasses and my big hand purse with the newspapers.

I look good, then I walk out of my room.

Arlene says, "you really look like you are working in an office."

I laugh.

Arlene had on a black and red dress that stops right above her knee with black stockings and heels, her hair in a bun, and have on make-up. We make breakfast and eat it, then I watch the time 7:15 am we should get going.

20 minutes later

I park a few blocks away from the bank, the bank doesn't open until eight, but I call my father so we can get in before time.

We make our way to the bank, guys are checking us out, the girls giving us dead glares.

Arlene says, "wow guys are really checking us out", you can say that again.

When we reach the front of the bank, the security guard watches us, oops my mistake he check us out.

I say, "Hi I am Anastasia Montez, my dad said I can come in before the bank opens."

The security unlocks the door and lets us in.

I say to Arlene, "while I pretend to work here, you will sit across there and keep the cam on Jordan at all times."

Arlene nods.

The manager comes out and says, "welcome Ms. Montez, I am so glad your daddy chose our bank with his money, let's go to my office and see how it works."

I nod.

Arlene just sits down legs cross texting on her phone.


Arlene's POV:

8:00 am

The bank just opens and people start coming in, I see Jordan walk through the entrance smiling and rubbing his hand. I pick up the newspapers and start to film.

Anastasia texts me.

Best friend: Jordan had just entered the building, plan active

I watch as Jordan makes his way to the desk, I pull out the antenna to hear his voice.

"I will like to speak with Mr.Joseph please."

"Ah yes, the manager."

"Sir please take a seat and wait he'll be here shortly."

I laugh as Jordan sits across from me, staring at his phone.

I text Ana.

Me: Plan A complete, now time for plan B

Best friend: Great


Anastasia's POV

After Arlene texts me, I say,  "call him up", the manager smiles.

He picks up the telephone, "send the young man up please."

I watch the computer as the clerk talks to Justin then I see Jordan go into the elevator, Arlene has folded her newspaper and is texting on her phone.

I take out my newspaper and sit down waiting for Justin.

He walks in and Mr. Joseph greets him, he says, "you're the young man who wants to see me?"

Jordan nods, "yes yesterday I got a call saying I won a million dollars."

Mr. Joseph says, "sorry son, but no one called you, it's probably another bank or you was prank called."

Jordan's face is priceless, Mr. Joseph adds, "besides, your bank account is in this bank with loads of money, why do you need one million dollars?"

Jordan shrugs and leaves, I text Arlene and say plan B is complete. I look at the computer, I see Jordan storm out and exit the building, Arlene's paper is up.

I say, "thanks Mr. Joseph, this really means a lot to me, I'll make sure and tell dad to raise your pay."

He shakes my hand, "it's always a pleasure to do business with you, Ms.Montez, come again."

I take the elevator to go back down, I see Arlene waiting by the exit.

She laughs, "that was fun, Jordan looks angry when he left."

I reply, "this video would come in handy when it's time to blackmail him."

Arlene high five me.

We walk to my car, I watch the time 9:00 am, I don't have to distract Luke until after 2 pm, three hours with him wouldn't kill me.


Hope you guys are enjoying it as much as I writing it.

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