Chapter 21- He's Right

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Anastasia's POV:

When I got home around five, since Justin wasn't home, Trina and her guy are making out in the living room. Two girls and boys are by the pool hanging out, I went into my bedroom and watch TV.

I text Brandon.

Me: Hi Brandy, I had fun this evening, you're sister is adorable

Brandy: I know and she likes you, maybe we can go for ice cream together sometime

Me: Sure just tell me the date and I'll be there

Brandy: Bre says good night

Me: Tell her I say sweet dreams

Brandy: Where did I ever find a friend like you?

Me: Maybe fate brought us together

Brandy: Well, as they say, opposite attracts

Me: True, well I'll see you tomorrow at school

Brandy: Sure, bye Ana


I got up with a banging on my bedroom door, I look at the time of 6:00 am, what the heck? Is this person crazy? Waking me up at 6 in the morning.

I shout, "it's only 6, leave me alone!"

The person replies, "well am starving and Trina is sleeping", I ignore the person and put my pillow over my head.

The person bangs on the door loudly, I will ditch this annoying bitch.

Thankfully my car is in the driveway, I put a high waist dress, shoes, brush, toothbrush, towel, phone, and keys into my bag. I change into sweatpants and a baggy shirt, then text Justin.

Me: I'm coming to dress at your house, make breakfast, please

Jerk: Sure no problem, my dad already went to work and mom is still sleeping

The person is banging every two minutes I open my bedroom window, thankfully it has a roof by it, so I climb through. I can see the pool, I climb down the roof using the wall, then sneak through the sliding door.

I tiptop to the front door and open it silently and close it back. I unlock my car and get in then, start it up, and drive off.

I arrive at Justin's at 6:20 am, I yawn a little. Justin opens the door for me and lets me in.

I say, "thank you, that guy was getting annoying banging at my door 6 in the morning". Justin chuckle, he has a boxer only and his eyes swell slightly.

7:20 am

We both leave the house with our vehicle, I am going to pick up Brandon since he lives close by. When I pull up by his house, he is waiting outside already.

He opens the car door and got in, he kisses me on the cheek, "morning Ana."

I reply, "morning Brandy.".


When I reach the school, I see the boys waiting for me. Brandon and I got out of the car, girls gasp.

He says, "see you lunchtime", before going over to his friends.

I walk to the boys, Justin says, "looking good Anne".

I say, "thanks, not looking bad yourself."

He smiles.

We walk into the school, as usual, people got accustomed to us being together. I went to my locker and get my book for class.

Stephanie says, "Hi Ana, there's a party at my friend's house tonight, you should come, that's if you're up for it."

I say, "sounds good, what's the address?"

She says the address and I gasp, that's my house Trina, is having a party tonight?

I say, "I'll tell the boys", she nods.

When she leaves, Arlene comes up to me.

She says, "she's up to something, don't you think it's strange that she's inviting you to a party?"

I say, "yeah, but the best part is that it's at my house, it's my cousin who is hosting the party, I can't wait to see the look on her face".

Arlene laughs, "let's go to class now", I close my locker just as the bell ring.

We walk to algebra, I see Luke, Justin, and Kyle walking into the classroom. I sit in the usual seat, while Arlene sits next to Kyle.

Justin whispers, "heard, there's a party at your house tonight."

I groan, "yeah and Stephanie invited me, well she's in for a shocking surprise tonight."

Luke suggests, "you can stay at my house if you want."

I reply, "I rather Justin's house, I can't stand Chelsea I am glad dad stop seeing her."

Luke chuckles," me as well, she was practically using him, but he can't fire her."

He's right.

I say, "yeah, but he's out of the country so he doesn't have to deal with her", then our teacher walks in.

I zone out and Brandon texts me.

Brandy: Hi Ana, history is boring

Me: Well you shouldn't have chosen it

Brandy: Good point, in college I'll keep that in mind

Me: Yeah, you heard of the party?

Brandy: Hell yeah I did, it's a college chick who's hosting it

Me: That freshman college chick, she's my cousin, I think you remember her, Trina, blonde hair, the party is at my house or shall I say mansion

Brandy: Well if you're not attending, we can hang out at a food place or something

Me: Oh am attending alright, I live there and someone has to keep an eye on the house, some of the things are very valuable, my dad would kill Trina (although I would love to see that happen)

Brandy: You're evil, I like that, well my teacher is sending me dead glance got to go

Me: See you soon, Brandy

I look up from my phone, the teacher is almost finishing erasing the board.

I mumble, "shit", I look over to Justin, he's basically texting and not taking notes.

I look over to Luke, who is finished and is now texting on his phone.

I whisper," can I get the notes, I was distracted and didn't get to take it down."

He chuckles, "shouldn't I be the one asking that?"

I roll my eyes and he hands me his book, the teacher says, "there will be a quiz next week on this topic, be prepare".

The whole class groan including me some people send shocking glances at me.

Justin whispers, "way to ruin my weekend."

A guy behind him says, "tell me about it, I was planning on getting girls in bed with me and win my bet."

Justin laughs.

I ask, "since when do you guys revise for quizzes?"

Justin says, "since the day we enter the school as seniors, I want to get into a good college, you know".

The guy adds, "yeah, my dad would kill me if I don't buck up on my grades."

The bell rings, ending the class, Justin had physics, and Luke had Spanish. I had AP English, Arlene, Stephanie and her minions are in that class as well.


Hanging With The Bad Boysजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें