Chapter 45- Haven't You Heard?

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Anastasia's POV

"Haven't you heard? Nikki is pregnant", Arlene says as we walk inside the school.

I ask, "who's the father?"

Arlene shrugs.

I don't believe in rumors and Nikki sleeps with a lot of guys, I am surprised she didn't get pregnant since sophomore year.

Everyone is gossiping about Nikki being pregnant.

"What a slut."

"I bet it's that guy from the club she's pregnant for."

"She slept with Blake last month, I bet it's him."

"Or Jack."

And it goes on, people arguing who she slept with.

Stephanie is by her locker with Nikki and they are in deep conversation.

I know I shouldn't be listening, but I did.

"He wants me to get an abortion, but I want to keep the baby", Nikki says.

"Well then keep it, he can't stop you, it's your choice", Stephanie replies, she continues, "try to convince him to break up with his girlfriend and be with you."

The bell rings and they walk off talking, who is the father? And why does he want Nikki to have an abortion?

I catch up to Brandon for geography, his eyes look dark from lack of sleep. We have our geography test today and I am more than prepare. Brandon didn't really write on his paper just spacing out every minute.

After class, I see him by his locker and Nikki a few lockers down talking to Jackie.

I say, "Hi Brandy, let's go study in the library, we have fifteen minutes till next class", he nods.

We walk past Nikki and Jackie who just stare at me, she smirks. Brandon puts just a hand around my waist I look up at him and he smiles at me.

We spend the next fifteen minutes in the library, then I head to algebra with Luke, Kyle, Arlene, and Justin.

I sit down and take out my book, Justin says, "rumors been going round all morning", I nod.

Brandon is hiding something and I intend to find out what.


After school, I drive to the pizza place Brandon does work and wait for him to arrive. When he did, he is surprised to see me.

He says, "hi Ana, what can I get you?"

I say, "my old boyfriend back, I don't like this new one, ever since the Halloween party you barely spending time with me."

He sighs and sits down, "because I been training for my races for when the scouts come, I want to get a good trainer so I can get into 2024 Olympics."

I hug him and say, "I had no idea that you're doing that, follow your dream don't let me keep you back", he nods and kisses me.

My dad is currently dating a woman, I met her once, she's slim blonde hair, gray eyes, and owns a small business.

She divorce five years ago and dad met her in one of his business meetings, her name is Stacy.

I drive home and that my dad's car is here and Stacy's.

I open the front door and see Stacy standing there, she greets, "hello Anastasia, how was school?"

I say, "fine, just rumors about someone being pregnant", she nods.

I like her, she's not rude or thinks she's all that, but her face looks like someone I know.

I ask, "do you have a daughter?"

She froze and replies, "yes one, lives with her father same age as you, I barely see her at all."

I ask, "what's her name?"

She says, "Steph-", but is cut off by my dad.

He says, "Anne you're home, I was now thinking about you and Stacy going out and have some bonding time."

I say, "sorry, but I have revision to do."

He smiles, "oh no you're going out, whether you like it or not", taking my bag and pushing me out the house with Stacy.

We drive to the mall, I text Arlene to meet me there. I open the car door and get out and Arlene approaches us.

She says, "let's go shopping girl", but I stop her.

I introduce her to Stacy, then we are off. Stacy let us choose our own clothes, then we see Stephanie and Jackie.

Stephanie says, "oh look the nerd is shopping."

Jackie chuckles.

Stacy says, "Anastasia what about this-", but gasps when she sees Stephanie.

Stephanie turns pale, then grabs Jackie and storm out of the store.

What just happened?

Stacy says, "I am going to get some air, meet me by the car in one hour", handing me the credit card.

When she leaves, Arlene says, "that was weird", you can say that again.


Dad asks, "how was shopping?"

I say, "great", I'm eating my dinner and waiting for Brandon to text me when he gets home.

I text Gregory instead.

Me: Hi Greg, what you doing?

Greg: Babysitting my little sister

Me: I am revising, because I'm bored

Greg: Still no text from lover boy?

Me: He's probably busy

Greg: Yeah, probably, but I wouldn't bet on it

Me: Me neither

I sign out of Facebook and continue to revise.


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