Six - Out of Breath

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I pulled away and let my arms fall to my side. He looked down at his feet and at the corner of my eye I could see the occasional glance he'd shoot me.

He cleared his throat, "I should get going. I'll see you tomorrow though." My stomach sunk when I remembered that he'd be attending Lambert for the next five months. Just when you thought Lambert couldn't become much more of a living hell.



The sound of my alarm blaring from my phone echoed into my ears, nearly deafening me. I groaned and tumbled off of the bed and onto the floor.

As I approached my closet my phone started ringing again, earning one more long groan from me. I picked up and croaked to the person on the other line.


"Jade! Where were you yesterday? We were so worried for God's sake, you have lots of explaining to do!" Ivy shrieked. I nodded my head despite the fact they can't see me.

"Alright fine. I'll call you later I have to get ready." I hung up and went back into my closet to find something to wear. I pushed through all the shirts and found a navy sweater and a white skater skirt. Usually, I'd hate to wear skirts but I honestly did not give one care in the world today. I threw on a messy bun and slipped into my white lace converse.

"Morning Darling. Mom told me about you not feeling so good, is everything okay?" My dad smiled making his laugh lines more visible. I nodded and grabbed a piece of toast. "I have to get to school early today." I muffled.

"Okay, I'll leave you be." My dad took a sip of coffee and I ran out of the door. The piercing cold wind hit my thighs as I ran the opposite direction of school. How am I supposed to go when Ashton is going to be there? How am I supposed to go if I get showered with questions I don't want to answer from Ivy and Autumn? How am I supposed to go when I feel like I'm choking?

So I did the most reasonable thing I could do. I ran. Faster and faster as if I was actually trying to run away from my problems and myself. Everything was a blur and soon I landed up in downtown. Graffiti covered the walls, sirens filled the air, yelling as well. This wasn't my favorite part of town. It was sketchy and I'm pretty sure this is where majority of murders, rapes and drug dealings take place. 

As I took in my surroundings I slowly started to back up. A thick raspy voice from the alley beside me approached me.

"What's a beautiful lady like you doing in this part of town?" He didn't look sketchy, but the fact that he was hiding out in a back alley was a red flag. My hands went sweaty and my throat went dry, trying to respond without getting myself murdered.

"I just ran here, um well I have to go." I could already feel myself choking up. "Need a ride beautiful?" He smirked. I shook my head and started to run the direction I came from. Panic dawned on me when I heard running footsteps behind me. Out of my fear, I grabbed a shard of glass off the concrete and threw it at him and continued to sprint my way out of here.

"Agh! What the fuck!" I turned around to see a slit on his cheek, awfully close to his eye, gushing out blood. Yet, he continued to run. My heart was on the edge of pounding out of my chest.

He caught up to me and grabbed my wrist. "Don't touch me!" I shrieked loud enough for people to hear. He hushed me and slammed his hand over my mouth. I bit him.

"What are you? An animal?"

"Leave me alone! What the hell do you want from me?" I started to back up again. He looked at me straight in the eye and it took me a moment to decide on what I was going to do. I brought up my right knee and lifted it harshly to where it'll hurt. He groaned out of pain and fell to the ground.

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