Twenty Five - Cowabunga!

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"With the exception of you I dislike everyone in the room"

Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You, Arctic Monkeys

Conner bit his lip and looked at me with his overly-droopy eyes from all his drinks. My body tensed up as he leaned in closer, his gaze lowered from my eyes and onto my lips.

"Cowabunga!" Bryan yelled and attacked Conner and I by jumping in the space between us, startling me.

"What the heck, Bryan?" I shrieked and dragged him off of Conner using his legs. He fell onto the floor and cradled himself, sucking on his thumb like a baby. Conner took my hands into his with a smile which turned into a straight line when he looked straight into my eyes and past my freaking soul.

"Can you tuck me in?" He cooed and wrapped his arms around my neck. I chuckled, "these people are still in your house Conner." He let his eyes drop and snoozed for a bit before snapping awake and falling back asleep again. Poor guy.

I took matters into my own hands and shut off the music for the people to slowly flow out of the house. My plan worked, and everyone slipped out of the house while a cloud of disappointed murmurs took place of the music. Conner drooped his hands over my shoulders and swayed his hips despite the lack of music.

"Conner?" No response. "Conner?" I sung but he was sound asleep. He stood there snoozing, draped over me which I could never ever do. I took a quick glimpse of the downstairs without the intoxicated teenagers and spotted the start to one of the staircases. His arms stayed wrapped around the back of my neck while I trudged up the stairs attempting him to carry him bridal style.

My poor legs faced another challenge, finding which room is his. The hallway looked never-ending never mind how it looks in the dang dark! I frantically looked for a hallway light switch before I dropped the peacefully sleeping blonde monster. Light filled the hallway and I decided to look for doors with any decor on it. Towards the end of the hall, a room with a door that had a big black "C" painted onto it. I slowly crept it open and carefully tip-toed in looking for a bed.

I gently placed him on the bed and threw a blanket I found laying around on him. He clutched the blanket close to him and mumbled something into it. "What?" He mumbled it again but a bit louder. "You know, the sober and awake Conner is so much louder." I giggled. He slowly opened his eyes and squinted them.

"Jewel?" His raspy voice called out. "Green, is that you?" He called out for me again and pat the right of his bed. "Can you cuddle me?" My eyes widened.

"Green isn't here," my stupid-self responded without even covering my real voice. A frown etched his lips and he opened his eyes again. He pointed at me, "I'd know my Green when I see her."

Aw, my heart.

"Sorry big guy, not tonight." I laughed sheepishly. He furrowed his eyebrows and pouted out his lip. "Please," he whined, "I'll give you a cookie in the morning."

Be right back, weighing out if it's worth it.

I rubbed my temples and sighed. "Fine, scooch." He rolled over a bit and I snuck under the covers and faced my back towards him. My eyes started to feel heavy, but quickly shot up when the presence of a body crept behind me. A presence of a body that's a bit too close. "Conner, what are you doing?" I whispered.

"It's not cuddling, if you're so far away." He responded. I awkwardly let him wrap his arm above my waist and pull me closer into his chest. "Thank you," he breathed into my ear and played with my hair.

"For what?" I whispered back but more quiet.

"For being so damn lovely," he kissed my head and laid silent.



The morning light seeped through my eyelids and burned my eyes. I groaned and tried trudging off my bed but was held back by my covers. I abruptly pulled away and heard a thud even when I didn't fall. My gaze lowered to the floor to see a shirtless Conner sprawled out on the carpet. "Conner!" He snapped wide-awake at his name being screeched. I paced around the room, "did I sleep with you?" My eyes widened when he didn't respond. "Well, did I?" I grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him back and forth.

"I don't know, I was drunk. What do you think I'd remember?" He groaned and rubbed his forehead trying to get rid of his hangover. He grabbed a bottle of pills and took one. "Did you?"

To my surprise, when I checked social media there was nothing too life-threatening posted. I looked up from my phone to see Conner smirking with his arms crossed over his chest. "Nice outfit," he muttered and threw me a pair of his sweatpants and another one of his hoodies.

Score! Never giving this back.

"Where's your bathroom?" He pointed towards the door at the right of his room in silence. I trudged towards there and changed into a pair of sweats – two sizes too large but its comfy so who is the real winner?



"I remember what happened," Conner sung while keeping his eyes steady on the road. My head shot in his direction and I gestured for him to continue. "You wanted to sleep with moi," he smirked.

"What?" I shrieked, making him swerve. "Calm down Green, I'm joking. I just asked you to cuddle me," he cooed imitating a baby. I rolled my eyes at my stupid decision and pouted. "What, am I not comfortable to cuddle?" Conner asked with an amused tone.

"No, you're as hard as a dang brick."

"Ah, I doubt that. I know I work out but I'm a pretty comfy guy to sleep with, if you catch my drift." He wiggled his eyebrows while pulling up into my driveway. He walked with me up to my door but probably immediately regretted that choice.

"Jade Veronica Sapphire Opal Williams where haveyou been?" My mom shrieked with Conner awkwardly standing beside me.


Hey Guys!

I apologize if my writing is kind of sucky these days, lots of things have been happening but I'm still trying my best to update. 

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Lummoxes & Foxes 


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