Thirty Two - Good Ol' Dares

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"In the dark of this place, there's the glow of your face"

Ya Hey, Vampire Weekend

After Thanksgiving, I could not eat for a whole week. Most of my break was spent snoozing, taking a sip of water and repeat. To everyone's surprise, I haven't called Autumn and Ivy or listened to my music but they'll soon realize that throughout the next two weeks, I'll be having the most obnoxiously loud conversations and dancing sessions.

And of course the start to all of that had to be today, Monday. Cue the long groans and sobs – now!

No matter what a positive person you may claim to be, there is no doubting that you furrow your eyebrows at the sound of your alarm clock. You could be the biggest morning person for all I care, but no one can wake up like Snow White on a Monday – let's be honest.

"Morning Jade," my dad mumbled while pushing my door open. I trudged myself out of bed and cringed at the sight of my knotted up, tangled hair. And that is how I knew my morning was going to be a hassle.



"What do you want?" I groaned while trying to pick up my pace. Current situation, Conner was annoying the absolute heck out of me by repeating my name over and over again. Seriously, the guy is ruthless! He'll go out of his way to annoy you and then once you finally snap at him, you feel bad. He's a toddler, I swear.

"You have nice eyes," he wrapped his arm around my shoulder with a cheesy grin plastered on his lips.

"Thanks," I replied bluntly trying to end the conversation. Mental note, when talking to Conner he can tell if you're trying to end the conversation and he'll make it ten times worse. Can someone remind me why I caught feelings for this guy?

Oh right – Cupid.

"So I was talking to Ivy," that was a shocker, I'm surprised I'm still alive. When you put two people who love to annoy the same person, it's like a nuclear explosion.

In other words, they would be the most sinister and evil pair in the world!

"And she said she'd personally give me a beatdown if I dared to hurt you," he drawled on, "so according to my calculations, you have a crush on me."

Internally cursing my cheeks for turning a light shade of red, I muttered trying to show as little care as possible, "or that could mean that she doesn't want one of her friend's to be hurt. Whatever floats your boat."

"So if I kissed, I don't know, Jenna per chance – you wouldn't care one bit?"

"Make out with her for all I care," no please don't, "I wouldn't break a sweat." I shot him a smug smirk. He raised an eyebrow as if I tested him to a duel, "is that a challenge now?"

"Whatever floats your boat," he leaned against the doorframe of an empty classroom. He copied the same smug smirk I had playing onto my lips before, "is Jade Williams challenging me?" I rolled my eyes, "for like the third time Conner, whatever floats your boat."

"Hmph alright." He wiggled his eyebrows at me, "you know what a boat reminds me of? A yacht." He lowered his gaze onto me and kept his smirk etched on his face.

"If you make me late, I swear Peterson," I furrowed my eyebrows together, making him raise both his hands into the air. He chuckled softly, "we're having a little gathering this weekend – and you – are coming with Ivy and Autumn."

"The last time you said a little gathering, it ended up being a full blown house party. I'm not wasting another Saturday because of you and your stupid parties," he rolled his eyes at me.

"It's just a few people, loosen up. We're going to my parent's cabin, so really there's not going to be much people," he nudged my shoulder. I sighed and nodded, "do I even really have much of a choice?"

"Egh, nah. Just don't be dressed up as a slutty Minnie Mouse," he laughed and waved to me while walking towards the lunch room.



"I'm so excited!" Autumn giggled while tossing herself onto Ivy's bed. "I mean, a luxury cabin? How cool is that? It's like some woodsy lodge resort or something!" Ivy rolled her eyes while shuffling through her closet trying to find something decent to wear for the gathering. She sighed dramatically and rubbed her forehead, "how could you be so excited about spending time with some overly preppy and sobby teenagers? Honestly, Jade I'm surprised you let him drag you into this."

"I mean it's not too bad," I drawled, "it's not like we're going to play Spin the Bottle or anything. It's probably just drink a bit and then go to bed, right?"

They both exchanged an amused look. "Playing Spin the Bottle is exactly what you do at these types of quote-on-quote gatherings," Autumn laughed while tossing a pillow up into the air and catching it. "For someone who reads a whole lot of Teen Fiction, you sure haven't read the classics, hm?"

"You know," Ivy smirked, "if we're not playing Spin the Bottle here, let's play something else," she tapped her chin in sarcastic thought – we all knew what she was thinking. "How about dare or dare?"


Sorry gotta go.

Autumn clapped her hands together, "what a great idea," she cooed. "How about Jade starts?"

"Just tell me what to do already," I muttered and burrowed my head into my palms.

"Since your love interest has changed, how about something regarding him? I don't think you were planning to sing Green Light at every red traffic light near us anytime soon, so?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Just make up a dare already!" I mumbled with my hands still covering my face.

"How about since Conner makes up most of the cheesy pick-up lines, you do it instead? It's better than breaking into his high-security house, hm?" Ivy's face lit up, "since it's dare or dare, we can triple dog dare you!" she squealed.

"I – er – we, dare you to call Conner and tell him the most cheesiest pick-up lines and break into his house in your footie pajamas," Autumn wore a satisfied grin while Ivy looked at me with puppy-eyes.

"Alright, some get me my phone," I sighed and laughed nervously. "Is anyone else experiencing some serious déjà vu?"


Aww back to the good ol' dares! Kinda missed it tbh. ALSO CAN I MENTION THAT WE'VE GOTTEN TO #94 IN TEEN FICTION? AEeeAaaK! I'M SO HAPPY!


Do you like caramel apples?


Random I know but I've never had one are they good?

Apples de Caramel & Lines de Parallel 


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