Thirty - #Avyn

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"Alone at a table for two, and I just wanna be served,"

Death of a Bachelor, P!ATD

"Oh really now?" Conner rested his chin in his palm and suggestively wiggled his eyebrows. Oh my god, mental note, never say anything again. Better yet, glue your dang mouth shut!

Luckily for me, the last bell of the day rang and trust me when I say that I've never ran faster in my entire life. By the time I made it out of the school I was sweating because of the weight of my backpack – or me.



"Mom, dad, I'm home!" I called out to my parents still trying to get ahold of my breath. From the school to my house, I sprinted a usual 10 minute walk and made it here in about three. Never would I have though that I would sprint, willingly but here I am now.

A murmur of chatter rung through my ears as I approached the living room. Taking a peak, my eyes interlocked with Mrs. Peterson and I immediately regretted my decision. She smiled at me which caught my moms attention. "Jade, darling! You're just in time, take a seat," my mom pat down onto the empty space beside her. I uncomfortably slouched down next to her while taking a quick glance around the room. Mrs. Peterson was wearing a slick jet black pencil skirt with a white blouse that had an elegantly tied bow right below the collar and above the buttons. Mr. Peterson had his hair slicked back and wore a grey pantsuit with darker grey vertical stripes. It got me thinking – why are they dressed up so formally?

"So Jade," Mr. Peterson snapped me away from my thoughts, "we were thinking that," he gestured for his wife to continue. She smiled and chirped, "for Thanksgiving we're going to have our dinner on your father's yacht." My stomach sank. Usually, I'd be excited but when you're going to be spending a day with your crush on a boat you won't be able to tell the difference between the butterflies and the sea- sickness. I plastered on a fake smile, "that's a great idea!"

Lies. If only they knew that I've been trying to avoid their son until break because of my dang hormones and then be forced against my will to waste Thanksgiving on a yacht with him – it wouldn't be such a pleasant idea. It would be far from pleasant.

In my attempts of dismissing myself from the room, I said my goodbyes and stumbled over the stairs to get to my room as fast as possible.

First of all, I have to call Autumn and Ivy to talk to them. Ivy is going to be fuming out of her ears while Autumn prances around my room with that signature grin of hers. After having their time to get their polar opposite emotions out, they're going to make me go shopping for an outfit. Even Ivy, regardless if she despises the idea of Conner and I.

Jonner or Cade?

Haha Cade Spade. Maybe I should name my kid Spade, that is if I don't grow up to be a lonely woman who owns a bunch of stray cats. So kids are out of the picture now.



Autumn and Ivy dragged me to the mall by my hair. Okay not literally but I wouldn't be surprised if they did, who would be? Even if you just met them you know that they would do anything. Anything and everything. But that's Autumn and Ivy, and that's why I ship Avyn – but no one needs to know that.

They both picked up on my unrealistic amount of stress about this and got me to tell them everything. Absolutely everything, even the kiss. They're like real life lie detectors.

"Looks like you aren't the one whose doing a little shopping," Ivy whispered so only Autumn and I could hear. We gave each other confused looks, which for Autumn turned into a smirk once Ivy pointed at a specific blue-eyed monster that was entering a suit shop with just about the whole football team. My eyes widened and I quickly shuffled to the nearest elevator with Autumn and Ivy tugging at my arm. I let out a squeal once I noticed how much stronger they were than me and nearly collapsed onto the floor. They dragged me towards the window of the shop and Ivy wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"I thought you didn't like Conner!" I whispered frantically. She scoffed, "but seeing my best friend get all flustered and choke up like that? Absolutely! It's a once in a life time experience," Ivy giggled as she led me into the store. At least more than three-fourths of the store were men. The only females were the cashiers and like three girls scrolling through the suits. Ivy continued to drag me along with her until Conner's iconic bushy-blonde hair was insight. And no I didn't know this because he's like five foot eleven, it's because Ivy and Autumn nearly shrieked and their eyes lit up.

They made sure that Conner's friends weren't anywhere to be seen before shoving me right into him. I first banged right into his chest of steel before falling straight onto my rear end. My face was probably the shade of a tomato and my ability to speak was long gone. Conner looked down at me in shock but an amused glint sparked in his eyes.

Those dang ocean blue eyes.

He opened his mouth for a second but I quickly cut him off, "Peterson!" I shrieked so loud that the people on the second floor could probably hear me. "Lovely running into you!"

"I think you bumped into me," he chuckled and held out his hand for me. I stupidly cocked my eyebrow at him for a mere second but realized – after regaining my knowledge – that he's helping me up.

That probably sounded so pathetic, I'm so sorry.

"Thanks," I murmured as if just a minute ago I wasn't screaming about how lovely it was to run into Conner. He held my hands for a few seconds longer before breaking apart. "Guessing you heard about the yacht thing," I smiled awkwardly trying to stir up a conversation.

"Oh yeah," he smiled. "And you know what?"


"I can't wait," he winked at me and I could swear on my life that my heart stopped.



Favorite genre of music, movies, etc.?


Music - Indie Movies - Romance

Reese Cups & Rose Buds


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