Twenty One - 404 Can't English

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"Kiss me in the d-a-r-k dark tonight"

Lolita, Lana Del Rey

My breath hitched in my throat while he gazed into my eyes. Everything seemed so surreal as if I was watching a movie or reading a book. For a moment I forgot how to English.


I put on a confident mask to portray that I'm not nervous, but my trembling fingers and quivering lip said otherwise. "What's in it for me?" He let out a little chuckle and brushed his fingers on mine before interlocking our hands together. He put up his left arm on the side of the left side of my face, trapping me in his hold.

The proximity of our bodies made me blush and my whole body heated up. "Well," his warm breath fanned among my neck, "a little birdie told me you're the only worthy girl who," he took a strand of my hair between his fingers and twirled it, "that you fancy me." I tried hiding my overly-dramatic coughing fit by slowly slouching against the locker.

Luckily for me, I read Wattpad. And I may not look the most intelligent but I know that when a guy asks a girl to fake date him, the girl breaks under the popularity and heat, thus confesses her feelings for the guy. If you are blessed, he or she would like you back.

"Who t-told you?" I mentally cursed myself for stuttering. He brushed his lips against mine and lifted my chin so I was looking him straight in the eyes.

"That doesn't concern you," he let us stare into each other eyes in silence before starting to speak again, "so what is it doll?"

He leaned his forehead against mine, making it harder for me to English.

Wait, wait!

He kept his forehead leaning onto mine, making it even harder for me to answer. If he wanted me to answer he would have to move to China, sleep on the top of the Great Wall of China longer than Sleeping Beauty and talk to me over the phone, still across the world.

His caramel coffee brown eyes bore into my eyes while they dart around the room, my heart pounding a thousand times faster.

"I-I'll do it."



Bryan held his figure casual but me on the other hand, was staggering into the gym – still not over what had happened. My gaze set on Conner on the other side of the bleachers. For some reason, my heart sank to my toes as a girl with shoulder-length curly auburn hair started to flirt with him. She made it quite obvious that she was flirting if I could tell she was from across the gym.

"Here," he snaked his arm around my waist and started walking towards Conner with a smirk. The blue-eyed monster turned towards us and suddenly his smile twitched but he managed to keep it.

Once we made our way to the bleacher he was sitting, Conner started talking to the girl again. He turned to us with a not-so genuine smile. "Are you guys dating now?"

Bryan's kiss on my cheek caught me off guard, leaving me with the job to cover up my flustered and blushed up face with my hair. Thank god I didn't wear a ponytail today.

"Cool, um so.." I muttered.


Conner seemed hesitant to say something for sometime. He took in a breath and opened his mouth but before any words escaped the last bell of the day rang and he sighed.



"Are you serious?" Ivy asked beside Autumn whose eyes were bulging wide. After I contemplated whether to tell them all or not, I came to a conclusion they were basically my crib-mates and plus – they'd find out sooner or later. "

I nodded and Ivy stared at me in disbelief with her mouth hung open wide. "Girl," she started "have you seen the books? The stories? The everything!?" she squealed. Autumn froze in shock and frowned.

Awhile later a knock came from my door. "Come in!" I yelled out to be greeted by my mom. "Hey mom."

"You have a visitor," she wiggled her eyebrows at me and I groaned. She gestured towards the girls, "why don't you two come with me?" They nodded with the same sinister grin my mom had plastered on her face.

Sometimes I wonder if they only hang out with me to see my mom.

I hopped off my bed with a frown and jogged downstairs to the doors. I unlocked it and stood face-to-face with the bushy blonde monster. We stood in silence with our hands hanging to our sides like puppets on a string.

"So, what brings you to well, my house?" I tried my best to initiate conversation so we wouldn't be hung up in this uncomfortable situation anymore. He snapped out of his silent trance and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Can we, I don't know –" he bit his lip. Then my heart started pounding. The last time we were here together was when we – kissed – and it was around this time as well. I swear I could feel drops of sweat dripping down my face.

"Could we talk?" he sighed out the words and I nodded. I fell onto one of our porch chairs and Conner sat on the one to my left.

"So what's up?" I shrugged. Keeping this casual was difficult.

Too difficult.

I already knew what he wanted to talk about. Of course he'd have his suspicions about Bryan and I. Us being quote-on-quote together just popped up out of nowhere. He ran his fingers through his hair and laid his head in his palm. "So are you and Bryan the real-deal or is he just doing this to make me jealous?" He breathed out so quickly it was almost hard for me to keep-up.

Deciding not to rat out Bryan, I simply nodded and continued. "Yup, have you seen anyone lately? I mean you have girls practically praying on the ground you spit on." I joked and elbowed him in the arm. He chuckled, "there is a girl who I have my eye on." I nodded.

"She's really pretty. Even if she has brown hair, there's something so adorable of how she just throws it around and still looks beautiful, you know?" I smiled. "And her green eyes make her look like a doll. She's kind of quirky but kind of just I don't know. She's perfect in her own ways." I grinned.

"Sounds like this little bushy-blonde monster has his eye on a girl, go get'er big guy!"

He laughed, "I wish." He mumbled and gazed up at the ceiling. "I really wish."



Okay I'm over-the-moon right now because guess what? I have 3 pieces of good news! 

"but simi ur life sucks"


"fine did u get tickets to see the 1975"






wait what

nevermind that last one! what I really want to say is thank you guys so much for being so supportive with Dare or Dare and me! you guys are honestly some of the sweetest readers and i really appreciate when you think of me as a person and not a walking-writing machine who can update every 4 hours. :)

Love You & D.O.D Grew,


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