Eighteen - Cash My Punches Outside, Howbadah?

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"This is not a school girl crush, this is not puppy love"

Puppy Love, Lana Del Rey

The space between us had become one again but Conner's hands stayed wrapped around my waist. He unwrapped his hands and backed up a little.

"Goodnight Williams," he said with a wink and walked off.



Last night seemed like a dream. Or a nightmare – I honestly don't know what to think, or how to think. Autumn was hoping up and down and Ivy was groaning through-out first and second period.

Here we were, in third period and one of the most popular guys in Lambert was behind me, annoying me and teasing me. And that so happened to be the guy that I kissed last night.

The thought made me choke on the water I was drinking and fall butt first on the floor. Everyone's head turned towards the back, specifically to the tomato-girl trying to laugh the embarrassment off. I awkwardly slid back into my seat and let my hair fall onto Conner's desk.

"Are you trying to tell me that my weave isn't as good as yours?" Conner whispered in the tone of the girl – ahem – meme that goes "cash me osside howbadah". That earned a small laugh from me which encouraged him to continue. "All these hoes laughing like somethings funny." The substitute for that day marched up to our desks and literally hovered over our faces.

"Detention, both of you!" He snapped and marched right back up to the front of the classroom.

"Cash me outside howbadah?" Conner muttered into my ear causing me to snicker.



"You got detention with Conner Peterson?!" Autumn shrieked and the whole cafeteria adjusted their attention to our corner table. It's honestly pretty weird when I tell Ivy and Autumn about Conner and they use his last name. Like guys, calm down he isn't a walking god or anything.

"Ahem," a loud noise of a chair screeching came from my right. "You know if I'm not a walking god or anything you should tell that to the school." He gestured to the whole cafeteria.

"Conner.." I gritted my teeth together as a warning. "What are you doing?"

"Just eating lunch with my girlfriend, is that such a big deal?" He snaked his arm around my waist to force me closer to him.

Soon two other guys slid into chairs next to Autumn and Ivy. One had slick black hair, Zach and the other had tufted up hickory-brown hair, Logan.

"We both know I am not your girlfriend, quit the act." I snapped quietly. He took my hand into his and stood up, dragging me up aswell.

"Attention! Seniors of Lambert High School, I'd like to make an announcement," by this point everyone hand their phones pulled out and started recording and taking pictures. "I, Conner Peterson am now dating Jade Williams and if anyone dares to mess with my dear girlfriend they will receive a personal classic back-alley beat down from me." The cafeteria burst into cheers and applauds. My eyes scanned around only to meet them with a specific aquamarine and brown eyed monster; Delaney and Jenna with scowls implanted on their faces.

Before they could deepen their scowl, Conner pulled me closer to him and pushed our lips together while in front of the ecstatic room.

What the heck is going on right now?

He pulled away from me with a smile and sat back down in his seat next to me.

"Conner what the he-" My anger was short lived when Conner ended up with a busted and bleeding lip and a fuming red Ashton behind him.

"Dude what the hell?" Conner groaned and rubbed his lip before turning around and swinging a punch at Ashton which made him fly to the ground. Everyone kept their phones out and gathered around our table for a better view. I have no idea how many times Conner and Ashton threw punches at each other but as a reflex I wrapped my arms around Conner's waist to make him stop.

You know in hindsight I should have let Conner give Ashton a trip to the emergency room.

Great going Jade.

I could feel Conner's breath hammering in his chest while he looked down and Ashton who was curled up on the floor crying in pain. Ashton is a lot more weak than he looks. Even I could give the guy a lesson or two.

An unfamiliar teacher cleared the crowd away including Ivy and Autumn and glared at Conner and I. "You two, office. Now!" she snapped.

Man, what did I do?



We sat in front of Mr. Winston, our principal, while he called our parents. "I'm very disappointed in you both. Especially you Ms. Williams, I expect better from you." He frowned at us and we both nodded.

Our parents came rushing through the door but once my mom made eye contact with Conner's mom all anger and tension in the room suddenly flew out the window.

"Harley?" My mom squealed.

"Olivia!" Conner's mom shrieked back. They both wrapped each other in a hug while my dad and his dad stood around awkwardly waiting to be joined into the conversation.

"Is this your daughter?" Mrs. Peterson smiled cheerily at me before wrapping me in a hug too. "Is this your son?" she hugged Conner.

"What a beautiful family!" My mom gushed. At this time Conner and I had no idea what to do or expect. Our dads had introduced each other and somehow got on the topic of sports while my mom and Mrs. Peterson gushed about how it's been so long.

It would have continued if Mr. Winston didn't clear his throat and gestured for our parents to take a seat.

Might want to add a chill pill too.

"Mrs. And Mr. Peterson, I do understand you are aware your son has 'beat up' another student during lunch hours, correct?" They nodded. "And Mrs. And Mr. Williams, I do understand you are aware that your daughter was linked in this fight aswell, correct?" They nodded.

"Here at Lambert we cannot simply let this slide. It will result in consequences. Luckily the victim of the fight was not heavily injured so the punishment will be a bit less harsh." Both pair of parents nodded.

"Your children, Jade and Conner, will be required to work at the library during lunch, gym, and free period along with they must serve a thirty minute after-school detention until Thanksgiving Break."

"So a week?" I asked biting my lip.

"Yes ma'am."

Spending three and a half more hours with Conner for a week?



just when you thought this book couldn't get any more cliche,




ok ok so um not much to say actually. don't forget to leave questions for a q&a 





Turtle Shells & Reeses Bells 


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