Epilogue - Wedding Day

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"You look gorgeous," Ivy and Autumn smiled as I turned around, looking into the mirror. Was this Jade Williams? Clad in a dress pulled right out of a fairytale, I looked like a mermaid yet a princess at the same time. My hair was pulled up into a braided bun, strands of hair that framed my face. A simple, yet elegant pearl necklace graced my collarbones. 

I had gone all my life, not thinking I was one-hundred percent beautiful, but now I feel this is my peak.

I had gone all my life, thinking that no one was going to love me for who I am, but now I'm getting married to the man of my dreams.

Conner Peterson. The blue-eyed, blonde-haired monster is who I fell head-over-heals in love with. Things are perfect.

My heart was racing a mile a minute, but in the best way. It was five minutes till I'd be walking down the aisle with my father, and marrying the guy who I had met through a Lit project. The guy who cracked an egg on my head, and the guy who I dumped a whole bag of flour on. 

We planned this to be a simple wedding, although it's in a grand park. Flowers, shrubs, and just an all around graceful and elegant wedding was all I wanted. 

Ivy and Autumn stood by me the whole time. They wore an ivory floral maxi dress, with flowers laced in their hair. 

On the other hand, I wore a sleeveless off-the-shoulder gown, with a few faux gems in my hair. People say that weddings never go according to plan, but the wedding of Conner and Jade, it was going quite smoothly if I do say so myself.

Autumn tapped my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. "We have to go now, and you," she winked, "need to wait outside for another minute."

I grinned, "bye guys."

"Bye Mrs. Peterson," even on my wedding day, they can never give up with the teasing. I laughed and waved them off.


There I was, walking down the aisle. My dress dragged smoothly on the aisle, and my dad soon returned to his seat. I'm getting married, I'm getting married! I'll always have a school-girl crush on Conner. His sky-blue eyes met my emerald-green ones, and he shot my a cheesy grin.

I'm in love with a goof.

I stepped onto the stage, gazing at him in awe. He looked lovely, amazing, handsome, you name it! 

A simple, black tux with a bow-tie was all I needed to see. He did the outfit wonders, not the other way around. Our hands slid together and I could feel the water-works coming.

It was time for vows.

We had decided to do things a tad bit more traditionally. Conner said his, and I followed up.

"I, Conner Peterson, take you, Jade Williams, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and bad, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life." A tear slipped from the corner of his eyes, as he looked down at me with a smile.

  "I, Jade Williams, take you, Conner Peterson, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and bad, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life." I tried my best to keep my voice from cracking. Things were just so perfect, I felt as if it was some type of movie. 

Conner slipped the ring onto my finger. 

"You may now, kiss the bride."

His arm wrapped around my waist and I leaned in. My lips met his, and sparks flew. It was magical, straight out of a fairy-tale. Clapping and cheering filled the atmosphere, I was breathless. We pulled away and he had that cheesy grin on his face.

"Peterson," I giggled.

"Willi- Peterson," he poked my forehead. "Jade Peterson has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" I laughed and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"I love you," I mumbled into his suit. He kissed my hair. We're such saps!

Autumn and Ivy came shrieking and giggling up to the stage. Our parents came as well. Did I mention that Conner and I had adopted a little golden retriever last year? It was our baby Daisy, and she's the purest and most gorgeous little puppers ever! My mom had kept an eye on her during the ceremony. 

Conner's mom became teary-eyed as she brought me in for a huge bear hug. She spoke with a stifled nose, "you look beautiful! Conner couldn't have chose a better girl." I didn't know what to say, so I just hugged her back, equally as tight!

We took pictures, laughed, and made one too many jokes about my new last name. 


We slow danced on the dance floor, with everyone watching. I rested my head on his chest and he kept his hand wrapped around my waist. He twirled me around, and pulled me back in.

Until "Living on a Prayer" came on. That's right! Conner and I may be saps but we've got a "wild side". 

We broke out in a dance that we had been practicing for awhile and people went nuts. Put this on your Snapchat story!

Eventually, we came back together after the song changed back to one of those wedding classics. That was great though! Why have a wedding and fake your personality about it? To hell with that shit.


We ended the night with Conner and I cuddling on the couch, watching "Revenge of the Bridesmaids". Before you come and attack me about forcing him to watch a chickflick, some guys love chickflicks with a passion! If I was a guy, I would too, just sayin'!

He rested his chin on my head and played with my hair. "You know Jade," I looked up at him, "we never did our Literature project." How could I forget? The one where we had to kiss due to Mrs.Watson shipping us. 

"You know we invited Mrs.Watson to the wedding, right?" He looked at me with wide eyes.

"We did?"

"Well I did! She shipped us so hard back in high school," I chuckled. He winked at me, "I shipped both of us in high school too."

"Remember the yacht? The prank call? The babysitting?" I snorted of laughter from how weird we were back then. Still are, though.

He nodded to each one and continued to twirl my hair. "Baking with you is amazing," his eyes lit up. "Can we bake?"

I shot up from the couch and ran to the kitchen to gather ingredients. "I wouldn't want to bake with anyone else on this earth."


hello my bebes! i hope you guys enjoyed this lil epilogue i threw together. i didn't want to leave you hanging so I apologize if it isn't that good. 

also one more thing i'd like to mention, since DOD is completed and NG is on hiatus, i'm writing a new book!

"To Get the Girl"

a lot of you reading this right now, would probably reeeeally enjoy this! the characters are cliche yet refreshing? idk just check it out for moui? :) i continue to sign off w/ the rhyming words ahahah 

i'll be putting out more epilogues soon!

i love you guys so much ! thanks for sticking by me for this wonderful journey. i still go back to old chapters and read the comments & respond to them, so if u commented back in April i'll probably still talk to you LMAO 

Panda Paws & Baby Dolls


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