Chapter 17

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chapter 17
Glinda's POV
I grabbed my wand and walked out of the doors of the emerald city.
it was dark so no one could tell that I was gone.
I was going off to see Elphaba and how the pregnancy was doing...
I finally got to their scruffy apartment and knocked loudly.
Fiyero answered the door.
He looked very tired and warn out, he was wearing a coat over his scruffy sack body..
"Hello, I was about to head can go on in, I'll see you both in a minute" he mumbled and walked straight past me without a second glance.
Oh God.
I walked through the living room and into the bedroom.
Elphaba was lying on the bed reading some of the Grimmerie when she looked up.
"Glinda...." she wept.
I rushed over to her bedside and cradled her gently.
"Elphie...oh sweet what's wrong?" I asked.
"the ba-" she sighed as she sharply inhaled.
she breathed again and started over.
"the baby is gone" she whispered.
I couldn't believe this, no this can't be happening no oh god no.
really and truly gone?!
that's why Fiyero was so distant earlier.
oh my oz.
"I'm so so oh-" I couldn't hold back the tears as they came rushing down my face.
"Elphie..I'm so sorry" I cuddled up close to her.
"it's fine" she sighed wiping her burnt face.
"I'm staying here next to you tonight, Fiyero can sleep in the bath" i snuggled up close to her.
It was such a shame, she would of been a wonderful mother.

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