chapter 18

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chapter 18

Fiyero's POV
I was still drifting off to sleep when Elphaba turned on the light.
bright light filled the darkened room and i squirmed as the light forces my eyes to slowly open.

Did she have to do that?

It's 1:30 in the morning.

"Fae..turn the light off its early" i grumbled as I sat up to see Elphaba's back who looked off into the living room.

"Elphaba?" i said unsure if she could register my voice.

I got out of bed and walked over to her as my eyes had now adjusted to the deafening light.

I looked at her slightly stunned face, which and had a confused expression on it.

Her eyes were wide open but looked blank and dead.

"Fae...." I said but as I spoke she started to walk away from me and towards the main room.

she was sleepwalking.

while I admired her when she was walking around so lazily i couldn't help to wonder what she was dreaming about.

was she scared? happy? confused? lively?

I grew more tense when she headed towards the door.

I knew that you should never wake up a person when they do sleepwalk but does the same apply to a witch?

she grabbed the door handle and walked out the apartment.

I quickly followed her as I locked the door.

we were outside.

in the dark.



"Fae..." I sternly gripped her hand but she took no notice.

We went walking for ages, we found ourselves in a forest miles away from our little apartment, we were getting nearer and nearer towards Oz I could just tell. I couldn't stand it anymore I had to wake her up.

"Elphaba" I pressed firmly on her shoulders and squeezed her. she would normally hate me for doing that, pressure pointing maybe ? in any case she was cute when she was mad.

"Fae wake up please baby please" but she carried on walking.

crap oh crap oh bloody lurline oh god.

I let her walk around for a second while I was thinking I heard a confused voice drag me back down to reality with a sharp bump.

"Fiyero???" Elphaba whispered.

"Fae!" I looked at her as she hurried back over to me and embraced me.

she gripped me tight to the point when it was starting to hurt.

"Fae..ow" i coldly put my hands on her waist to push her grip away a little.

she kissed me then.

a long and slow kiss I forgot we were in the middle of nowhere more towards the emerald city than anywhere else. I was surprised that she wasn't questioning me on where we were.

"Yero? where are we?"

I knew it.

"I don't know exactly but you were sleepwalking and we ended up here" I looked around as I worked out my bearings.

"-but we have to go back anyway" I suddenly decided.

"Oka-" Elphaba inhaled a sharp breath as perfectly manicured hands came across her waist and pulled her away from my grasp.

"Fae?" I tried to look at the woman who had grabbed her like that.
Elphaba started coughing,
she tried to reach back to me but a voice was whispering to her not to. I could make out the face clear enough to knew who this person was.

could it be?

"Madame Morrible" I choked out.

"Hello Mr Tiggular" I heard a voice behind me sarcastically wail.

I turned around and the Wizard was smugly grinning as he grabbed me swiftly as he chained my hands together and dragged me off into the darkness.

I was duct taped to the mouth so i couldn't shout for Elphaba.

MM must have taken her away somewhere similar to where I was heading but I tried with all my strength to shout her name.
she was screaming my name back as we were loaded into two different trucks and headed off towards the emerald city.

Authors Noteeee
* * * * * * * * *
Hello! I apologise to people who wanted a chapter sooner but all things come to those who...well wait I suppose:) I wanted some real action and drama take place in my story as it was not really going far.
please comment on what should happen to Elphie and Yero because I have a few ideas but they won't be as good as yours I bet;) again ThankYou for all the support that I have been given for this story I really hope you enjoy this story and if you think otherwise please let me know:) I am seeing wicked in officially 1 month and 4 days😍😍💚 very very exciteddddddddd don't forget to comment, vote and all that jazz and I will update soon bbiyyyeeeeee👋👋

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