Chapter 22

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chapter 22
Fiyero's POV
I walked into the bathroom to put some new toothpaste away when I looked down in the wooden basket that was Elphabas.
there must have been 20 or so boxes of pregnancy tests stashed inside the box.
what does this mean?
we haven't been extremely intimate since last month when Elphaba's miscarriage took place so why did she have so many pregnancy tests?
was she cheating on me?
no. who other than myself would fall in love with the wicked witch of the west?
"Fae..." I called.
"Yero?" she came into the bathroom in her cloak and put her broomstick aside.
"what are all these doing here?" i said indicating to the pregnancy tests in the box.
Elphaba looked at me for a long still moment before she wiped her eyes and sat herself down on the toilet seat.
"Yero" she steadied herself against me."I'm period haven't come in a few's all my fault, I bought these tests to double check but none of them came out positive and I'm worried" she cried into me, I wrapped my arms around her and carried her to bed.
"Fae.." I said laying her down and pulling her up to my eye-level. "we can try again tomorrow if that makes you happy.." I smiled and kissed her softly.
her scent smelt like Glinda's room..she must have traveled there again..
That's It!
I walked out of the bedroom and rang Glinda on her phone.
"Hello?" her bright and bubbly voice echoed all around the room.
".Glinda? it's me Fiyero"
"Fiyero what a surprise! is Elphie okay?" she sounded worried.
"Fae is...well" i stammered.
the next thing I know Glinda was at the door and marched straight past me.
"Elphie?" she rang out
"Glin?" Fae came out of our room and hugged her companion.
"What's Wrong?" Glinda said examining Fae.
Elphaba explained to Glinda everything about the pregnancy tests and how she was scared until a sharp burst of pain changed her moodswings.
"Ah sweet Oz!" she clenched her tummy.
"Elphie..." Glinda said calmly. "go try one of those tests again..." Glinda ordered her.
after a few minutes Elphaba came out of the bathroom looking a light shade of green.
"Fae?" I rushed to her side and rubbed her back.
"I'm pregnant again" she replied.

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