Chapter 28

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chapter 28
Elphaba's POV
My belly was now growing and I was about 23 weeks along and the baby was killing me everyday.
we moved into the castle at Kiama Ko and Fiyero was sitting on the chair reading a book.
a sharp amount of pain suddenly shot in my stomach.
"you kick me again, I'll have a fit" I cursed under my breath. "sweet Oz" I suddenly screamed.
"FAE!" Fiyero rushed up to me and tried to hold my body upright but I blacked out and felt a sudden falling sensation.

Fiyero's POV
oh bloody lurline.
I cradled Elphaba and her swollen belly.
I couldn't splash her with water because she would melt.
I started acting out the CPR programme. as I was giving her the kiss-of-life she started coming back to consciousness.
"Yero" she whispered,
"sshhhsh. sleep beautiful" I said as I picked her up and laid her down on the bed.
"love you -ero" she said as she weakly kissed me and fell asleep.
I looked at her as she slept, (not in a creepy way ok) and I noticed her glow was a very pale green like a lime-ish colour.
was she sick?
was it the baby?
bloody lurline.
I walked out of the bedroom and went to the cupboard and opened the whiskey. I shouldn't start drinking again for her sake but right now I was having some 'me' time. I needed to drink my sorrows away.

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