Chapter 37

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chapter 37
Glinda's POV
I walked into the spare bedroom which for now was my own.
I unpacked my hamper which was sent privately by some servants from the city.
I finally finished unpacking and flopped onto the bed and cried.
how did I become this mess?
why did I become this mess?
I just want my normal life back!
to be Glinda the Good, married to Fiyero and ruler of Oz.
I know that would never happen now not any time soon.
"Glinda?" Elphie hovered at the door.
"come in" I sniffed.
She walked over and sat beside me putting her arms around me.
"if you need to talk about anything I am always here okay?" she whispered as she kissed my cheek.
"okay" I squeaked.
"-Fiyero too" she said calmly. "I have to go cook dinner but, join if you feel like it?" she said as she slipped out of the room.
I noticed she had placed something in my hand, it was the material pink flower I had once placed in her black, flowing hair, I held the flower in my hands and sobbed for a little while longer.

Elphaba's POV
"she really isn't doing any well" Fiyero said as he was playing with Terrance.
"no Yero, she's jumping with joy" I muttered. I wasn't annoyed with him I was annoyed at myself because there was nothing I could do about her getting kicked out of the city gates.
"alright" Fiyero had his hands up in defence.
I gave a slight laugh, he knew how to make you smile when you were feeling your worst.
"I love you" he said as he walked over and pulled me into an embrace.
"I love you too" i said kissing his nose.
I looked over his shoulder to see Glinda standing in the doorway staring into space.
I let go of Yero and ordered him to carry on stirring.
I crept over to Glin and hugged her.
I felt her tears start to burn my skin, but friendship is more important than anything else.
"Elphie, can I join you all for dinner please?" she begged as her petite body started shaking.
"you may" I said smiling.
I noticed her shaking was getting bad, she had very big circled under her eyes and her lips looked like no food or drink had been touched there for weeks.
"Glinda, when was the last time you ate something?" I said siting her down on the sofa and rubbing her back.
"I don't remember...... last week maybe? I ate an apple but nothing since then I seem
to have lost my appetite" she sighed and lay down on the sofa to have a nap.
We finally finished eating spaghetti and tomato sauce (if any of you were wondering😂)
Glinda looked a little better now she had food inside her and she was now sleeping in her bed.
Fiyero was reading and I was feeding Terrance. I spent the silent hours well, as I knew that pretty soon it would not be quiet at all.

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