Chapter 29

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chapter 29
Glinda's POV
The wizard stormed into his room after the slight incident that happened between Fiyero and Elphaba. I hope they got to the castle safely.... and the baby.......this is all too much.
"yes. yes we will have to go and find them...yes they will be together....well if she has a baby then kill the baby too" I spun around and the wizard was talking to one of the guards....wait.. in a plot to kill Elphie, Fiyero..and the baby.
"NO!" I run up to the wizard and give him a harsh kick.
"why, Ms Glinda" he grabs my neck and pushes me against the polished wall.
"if you say a word of our plot to anyone we will have to kill you too" he smiles and let's go off my neck and walks away leaving me thrown onto the cold ground.
I walk up to my mansion of a bedroom and fish out my phone.
I give a quick text to Elphaba.

The Wizard and Gale Force are coming to look for you. you all must escape quickly..go back to your apartment outside of Oz, I will meet you there.
with love.

the message sent and I packed my hamper for tomorrow's journey.
"Ms Glinda?" one of my servants came into my room. "Ahh Ms. are we heading off somewhere at this time in the evening?" she said inspecting the hamper that was lying on my bed.
"No...but I am going into the city tomorrow to pick up some milkflowers..and some Ozian whiskey...wizards orders" I lied.
"Well, shall I arrange a carriage for you?" She asked cocking her head to one side.
"No Thank You.. you may return to your duty" I turned around and looked at my hamper.
"okay Ms" my servant said and she walked out the room.
I started to cry a little bit, I've let you all down again I thought as I collected more things to go in my hamper

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