Sweet Jealousy

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Adrianna Diaz

I get off dad's car and huddle up the school's entrance. Tatum passes by me with a pink umbrella in hand and she makes her way to the other building.

I stared her up and down, before struggling to open my dark blue umbrella. A few more minutes of dealing with my umbrella's stubbornness to open and I gave up. How was I supposed to make it to my building without getting soaked?

"Good morning, damsel in distress." a figure stops beside me and I turn my head to look.

This guy really is my white knight in shining armor.

"Hey, Noah." I greeted.

"Want me to walk you to your building?"

"Do I have a choice?"

Noah chuckles and he puts his arm around my shoulder to keep me close to him and prevent a drop of water from making its way to me.

While making our way to my building, I spot Michael and Tatum approach from the opposite direction. He was holding his umbrella and his other hand was also around Tatum's shoulder. As we passed by each other, Michael and I both send lingering glances at one another over our shoulders.


"Since today you're having your campus festival, we are cancelling class so you could all prepare." the speaker on the wall announced and everyone cheered and started to leave.

I walked to where Michael's class was and I pulled him aside for some private talk.

"You know you shouldn't be going to my mom like you did the other day." I retorted.

"Adie, mom doesn't know me so does it really matter?" Michael was clearly bummed by the fact that mom doesn't know him. "You know, that lacrosse captain of yours seem to follow you everywhere, huh?"

"Noah? Well, you know that Tatum of yours may look innocent but she's sly and might have lied to you about not having an umbrella this morning." I shoot back.

"It isn't sly. It's cute."

I think of the similar rainy day we had experienced in our future.

I was hanging out by myself at the giving tree when I felt drops of rain. I called Michael to come fetch me and walk me back to the main house. I took shelter under the roof of the cabin nearby as the rain started pouring.

Michael emerges a few minutes later and I was happy to see him and not our bodyguard but my spirits were dashed when I saw he was carrying another umbrella with him and he hands it to me.

"I wanted us to share though." I sadly said and opened the umbrella.

"Are we shooting some type of teen drama?" he scoffs and I glare at him from behind as he started walking away.

"So you're shooting some type of teen drama with Tatum and a reality show with me?" I fix my shoulder bag and held it tightly before stomping away from Michael.

Michael Jackson

I see Tatum standing near the entrance of my building looking out like she was waiting for someone.

"Good morning." I told her as I walked up to her.

"Good morning, Michael." she sweetly smiles at me.

I ask her what she was doing at the business department and she went on about dropping some papers her friend left at her house last night and was just about to head back to her building but the rain started pouring.

"...and I forgot my umbrella." she pouts.

How cute. I smile to myself. "Come, I'll take you to your destination."

Tatum and I were walking side by side and I wrapped my arm around her to make sure none of us got wet. My eyes then met Adrianna's brown orbs as she and the lacrosse captain walked towards our direction. I continued to look at her as they passed us and my grip on the umbrella tightened.


I had one class with the lacrosse captain and I couldn't help but study him from a few rows behind. His shirt had a wet spot on the left shoulder and the sight of him and Adrianna walking under one umbrella made me feel...jealous.

"Classes are cancelled today so you could all prepare for your campus festival later this afternoon. Have fun!" the department head broadcasted.

As I left the room to head over to where we were setting up our department's stall for later, Adrianna pulls me to the side to talk to me.

I don't know why but it felt awkward. She then tells me not to do what I did to her mom the other day but I explain to her how it wasn't a big deal since her mom had no idea who I was. It hurt me to say that. Adie's mom is a wonderful woman who called me her son since she had always wanted one and for her not to know me, bummed me out.

To change the topic, I brought in how her lacrosse captain seemed to follow her everywhere and she mentions his name. So his name's Noah.She shoots back at me by calling Tatum a sly one for lying about not having an umbrella this morning. How did she even know that? I told her it wasn't sly. It was cute.

"So you're shooting some type of teen drama with her and a reality show with me?" she fixes her shoulder bag before walking away.

I grab her arm. I wasn't ready for her to leave yet. I wanted her with me for a bit longer.

"You've been watching too much dramas." I said.

"It's cause you're too into your illicit love story."

I swear this girl just has a come back for everything that I say. Donny along with our other friend Darryl strolls up.

"What are you talking about?" Darryl asks. "Illicit love story? Can I borrow?" he looks at Adrianna and I with a grin on his face.

"Ask Michael. He's got porn of all genres." Adrianna shoots me a glare and leaves.
"What was that?" Donny chuckles. "We better head to the quad."

On our way there, Donny's pager beeps and he pulls it out of his pocket. A smile forms on his face before running to the nearby telephone right ouside our building. He dials the number before putting the phone up to his ear. Once the call was over, he excitedly runs back to Darryl and I to tell us he was meeting up with Merle.

"Are you guys a thing now?" I ask him.

"You could say that." he shrugs.

I watch my friend in dismay and lament his inevitable fate. I tried to talk him out of it but Donny just assumes I was jealous since Adrianna seems completely disinterested in me. What?

"Let's not pretend, Mike. I know you like her." he gives me a cheeky smile.

"Alright Donny. But remember this, when you turn 32, you're going to regret dating Merle."

Donny completely disregards me and went off to meet up with Merle. I swear that guy's gonna get so heartbroken.

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