My Comrade

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Michael Jackson

I grab my baseball cap, jacket and face mask and put them on to get some fresh air. Thoughts of my children only grew louder as I watch a little boy and a little girl walking with their mother.

I have to see her.

Spotting Gokor, our driver, at the parking lot, I approach him and asked him to drive me to Bel-Air and he agrees to do so after a number of questions.

The traffic was heavy but once I could already see the gates of Bel-Air from where we were, I couldn't wait longer and decided to run for it.

Surprisingly, I find Adrianna outside their house crying while she walks to her car and I move closer to her.

"M-michael..." she looks at me with wide and teary eyes and sobs. "My husband..

...let's go. Let's go home."

I tightly embrace her and we cry together in relief. I let myself sob in the crook of her neck while gently rubbing her back.


The next day, Adrianna's mom invited me over for dinner and she prepared some of my favorite meals. It's looking like a final farewell meal. We all sit in silence and Adrianna's dad was obviously clueless about the significance.

"Here." Adrianna's mom places a slice of lasagna on my plate and I nod at her with a smile. "Anna too, of course." she says as she then gives Adrianna some lasagna.

"Honey, what about me?" Mr. Diaz pouts.

"Eat whatever there is. I'll cook for you again later."

He lovingly smiles at his wife. Adrianna's dad loved his Spanish food and he wasn't used to eating dinner without any rice.

After dinner, Adrianna and her mom excuse themselves to talk privately in a room and her dad to get some fresh air outside.

I couldn't help but wonder about Adrianna and her mom's conversation so I press my ear to the door and listen in.

"Anna..if I'm no longer at the place where you're going, I want you to take good care of your dad. How will he live without me?"

I get a flashback of our conversation with dad-in-law one dinner when he had told Adrianna that he wanted to remarry. She never took it well and started avoiding him.

"Visit him from time to time, have a drink with him and bring Prince and Paris around often." mom-in-law continues.

"Dad!" I excitedly call him as I open the front door. I loved calling him dad as I never got the chance to call my real father that. And he treated me as his son.

"I brought your favorite Paella Valenciana." I raise the bag on my hand and sit down with him on the couch. "I might've also brought some beer." I wiggle my brows at him and he gives me the biggest smile.

He had been waking up alone, watching tv and eating a meager meal.

"I don't really want to remarry." he says.

He then explains to me that he only said that because he promised Adrianna's mom that he wouldn't live a lonely life when she's gone.

"Yes mom. I love you." Adrianna's voice cuts off my memory.

"I love you too, Anna."


Adrianna Diaz

Outside, Michael and I prepare for our trip back to the future. He holds his hand out to me and I intertwine my fingers with his.

"Hey. I have a question." he interrupts.

"What is it?" I tilt my head to the side.

"Why did Merle and Donny break up?"

"We're about to leave and that's the question you decide to ask." I playfully remove my hand from his. "You are just so romantic aren't you?" I giggle.

"I'm just curious. Just tell me." he slightly nudges my arm with his elbow.

I let out a sigh. "Merle is infertile. She can't have babies."

"Why didn't she just tell him?"

"When she saw how happy Donny was when we had Prince and Paris, it broke her heart knowing she couldn't give Donny that. She let him go so he could find someone better."

"So that's why you comforted her so much."

"Yeah." I look down. "I knew the reason."

"Hey.." Michael lifts my chin with his finger. "Let's go meet our children."

I nod and smile at him as he takes out a box from his pocket and slips the ring on my finger. I then slip the matching ring on his and we both admire the jewelry.

"Adie.." Michael leans his face close to mine. "D-do you wanna kiss?"

"Yes." I answer, my gaze shifting from his eyes down to his lips.

The pounding of our hearts faster, Michael presses his lips on mine and for a moment, I couldn't find air. He pulls me closer and wraps me in his long arms before he slowly pulled away, both of us catching our breaths.

"I love you, Adie." he whispers, his forehead rested on mine.

"I love you too, Michael." I bite my bottom lip before pulling him in for another kiss.

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