Trouble & Regrets

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Adrianna Diaz

I was walking down the hall when a senior blocks my way extending his hand out.

"Hi. My name's Blake Heron." the tall blonde boy said.

His name sounded familiar and I stared at him as I tried to remember when I had heard the name Blake.

"I'd take that girl out any day." one of them scoffs.

"Blake, I'm pretty sure you'd just toss her when you get bored." they all burst into laughter.

"Don't worry, I'll give her to you once I'm done with her."

I blink. "I'm Adrianna Diaz." I fake a smile and ignore his extended hand. I was furious when I remembered the conversation he had with his friends.

"I uhh.. I was wondering if I could take you out on a date?" he asked putting his hands in his pocket and bit his lip.

I notice all the people in the hallway had stopped to look at us and listened to our conversation. This was my time to get back at this guy. You plan on tossing me to your friend after you get bored, huh?

I stepped closer to him and put a hand to cover my nose. " You stink." I said loud enough for people to hear and walked away.

I knew I had completed my mission to humiliate him as the people around bursted in laughter.

Blake was persistent though and followed me to another hall which was empty, until we passed by the utility room. He ran to me and dragged me inside.

"You think you could get away with humiliating me?!" he said through gritted teeth. He cornered me to the wall while his hand was pressed to my mouth as his other hand went to work his zipper down.

Tears fell down from my cheeks as I tried to scream and escape.

"I'm not afraid to hit women, Adrianna. Especially brats like you who dare humiliate me!" he readies his swing but the door suddenly opens and he was aggressively grabbed out of the utility room and receives a mighty kick and beating on the floor.

Noah came to save me.

"I'll fucking send you to the afterlife!" Noah retorts.

I pull Noah away from Blake and beckon to just leave him as he was already bleeding too much and Blake scurries away.

I thank Noah and joked that he seemed to be everywhere I go. "Are you always following me?"

He smiles and stuttered a response which he doesn't finish and we both laugh it off.


Michael Jackson

On Campus, I was walking with a ticket on my hand given by Tatum to a show that she was starring in. She had wanted to focus on studying and sharpening her craft so she could actually deliver even better when she finally feels it was the right time for to accept movie deals. She wanted to get hired because of her actual talent and not just because she was the daughter of a great actress.

It just bothered me that it had to happen on this date. October 5th.

A girl stops me in my tracks and introduces herself. Jodi McKneally. Blake's ex girlfriend.

"Michael. I-I heard Blake was having interests on your f-friend Adrianna and she humiliated him at the hallways earlier... I--" her face was masked with concern and immediately I knew something was wrong.

"Is Adrianna okay?!" I asked her frantically.

"I-I heard Blake tried to r-rape her at the utility room but N-noah..he--"

I ran as fast as I could to find Blake Heron. That bastard. Who does he think he is to lay a finger on Adriana. My Adrianna.

I storm the Engineering department and find Blake at the vacant classroom with his friends trying to wipe off his blood. I ball my fists and clench my jaw. He was beaten up and that made me even angrier to myself. Knowing that his wounds weren't from me but from someone else who was there to protect Adrianna.

Blake shut his eyes closed as I threw a strong hit on the table where he sat. His friends didn't even try to stop me.


That night, I drove to Adrianna's house and rang the doorbell. She opened the door, surprised to see me holding a box of grapes.

"What's this?" she asked.

"Grapes." Her mom loved grapes.

"I can see that."

"Why..why am I like this?" I ask. Tears forming in my eyes. "I always tried to do my best. I've been sincere but like everything 4 years earlier, everything is a mess. Why do I always have to be sorry? Why am I always the one apologizing? I-I missed mother-in-law, Adie. I miss her just as much as you do."

*flashback to October 1986*

I was holed up in a West Hollywood recording studio trying to complete the follow up to Thriller. Everything wasn't going well for me - family feuds, an acrimonious rift with the Jehovah's Witnesses, broken friendships with Diana Ross and Paul McCartney and the burden of a celebrity so unmanageable that it drove me to isolation.

Even in seclusion, reports of my plastic surgery, my private menagerie, and my 'hyperbaric chamber' conspire to make me a national joke. I had gone from being the most admired to the most absurd. And the pressure to restore myself was paralyzing me which caused me miss that one important call.

At the funeral, Adrianna blamed me for making her miss saying goodbye to her mother since she had to pick me up at the studio to get me out of my self-destructive state.

Both of us sobbed at the funeral, brimming with regret.

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