Campus Queen

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Michael Jackson

My friends and I with Adrianna and her friends all sat on a table for drinks after the shenanigan she pulled at me earlier.

Darryl glimpses Tatum passing by and calls her over to join us. Adrianna smiles at me before offering her seat to Tatum and going over the stove to heat up some more pork for us to eat. Stacey's face lights up and calls Noah. What is he doing here? Shouldn't he be with his teammates? He proceeds to stand beside Adrianna while I talked to Tatum.

I could feel Adrianna's glares from my peripheral view and turn at her.

"It's like you're dating a minor." she mouthed at me and I just looked at her, failing to think of a good comeback.

My gaze then turns to Noah who stands close to Adrianna, watching her cook. My thoughts then travel back to seeing them in the rain. Then wandered how such a young kid like Noah have such emotional eyes. Eyes that are only for Adrianna.

Noah leans closer to Adrianna ready to take a bite of the hand-fed stir-fried pork.

"A-adrianna!" I burst out. I really can't explain why I'm jealous and I won't admit to myself that I am jealous. "Adrianna, why does your clothes have stains on them, huh? It's like you're an old lady."

We then get into a argument and none of our friends could follow what we were talking about so they ask us how we became so close. Luckily, the tension was broken by someone rushing to ask Adrianna if she could replace the no show participant but she hesitated since she didn't have anything to wear.

As if on cue, Noah hands her a bag. It was a dress he bought for her. Why would he buy her a dress?

"You won't win for sure." I scoffed, diverting to my go-to negativity.

Adrianna gives me a look before landing Noah a peck on his cheek. Everyone except for me squealed at the sight and I stared at them dumb-founded.


The contest begins and everyone is in the audience as the contestants take their places on stage. Adrianna looked so beautiful in her white dress and I am transfixed. Noah was with Merle and Stacey grinning widely and cheered for Adrianna. To my left, there was Blake Heron. He was the ultimate playboy and he was leering at Adrianna.

The host talks about the talent portion and I see Adrianna had a shocked expression on her face. She tells the host she doesn't have any talents but the host urges her to do anything at all. I waved my arms to get her attention and she squints her eyes at me. "Sing!" I mouthed. I knew how she loved to sing and so did her mom.

Adrianna was shaky at first but gains confidence as the crowd's cheers grows. She looked adorable and the beautiful moment of falling in love hit me all over again and my thoughts filled of memories of the older Adrianna who's a caring wife and adoring mother to our children.

She smiles warmly as she finishes her song and the crowd cheers.


Adrianna Diaz

I head to the bathroom to change but the ladies' room was under construction. I made sure no one was in the men's room and sneak in.

From inside the stall, I hear a group of guys head in. They were talking about how cute I looked making me smile to myself.

"I'd take that girl out any day." one of them scoffs.

"Blake, I'm pretty sure you'd just toss her when you get bored." they all burst into laughter.

"Don't worry, I'll give her to you once I'm done with her."

My smile fades and now I was mad. I open the stall door to confront them but they had already left, and only a grinning Noah stands there.

"Woah woah woah." he turns to me with his hands up.

We hear a voice heading into the bathroom and Noah ushers me to go back to the stall to hide. He places his index finger on his lips and I nod at him not making any noise.

As we stood there quietly, the door swings open and Michael stands in front of us. Eyes widen all around.

"What are you doing?" Michael asks me and I notice he was holding my hairclip in his hand. I must've dropped it.

"What are you doing?" Noah shoots at Michael.

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