Oh, please, call me Narcissa

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Time flew by and, sure enough, it was time to leave for the Malfoy Manor with Draco.

Its not that she didn't want to go -oh Merlin she did- but she was afraid: due to the past events that had occurred there. Sure, her scar had gone due to the help of research and powerful magic completed by a healer, but it was still a place that held so many bad memories for her.

She knew it would be better now that Lucius was gone but she found she was still a little afraid of Narcissa.

Yes, she had saved Harry's life but Hermione was still afraid. She probably always would be.

"Its time to get up, love," Draco murmured before kissing the top of her head.
Since the holidays started, they had transfigured his bed into a double and both slept there. She was now very much used to sharing a bed with him and could hardly sleep without him there, comforting her.

"I need to go pack," she mumbled in response.
I quickly put on an expensive green dress Draco had bought her specifically for the occasion, and then put on a pair of slippers (she would change into heels later); and did her makeup. Now she was mostly ready as the nerves chattered her teeth.

They both went to the Gryffindor dorms, arm in arm, to collect her things.
"Accio Hermione's stuff," he called.
He put it into her luggage bag, and then they went to Dumbledore's old office to floo from. Narcissa said that the house elves would have breakfast ready for them there.

Turns out, word had got round about Draco and Hermione's relationship.

"Are you ready, love?" he whispered as he grabbed hold of her hand.
"Never more scared," she whispered back.
And with that, he threw down the floo powder and they were in the manor.

"Mother, we're here!" he called through his childhood home.
It was a lot brighter now, Narcissa clearly hadn't been into the green and black colour scheme. It was a baby blue and beige one now; but the exterior was very much the same.
"May I take master and master's girlfriend's coat?" a house elf asked.
"Thank you, Blinky," Draco smiled as he handed their coats over.

Narcissa clearly treated her house elves better aswell.

"Draco? I'm in the kitchen!" Narcissa called.
He lead her through a complete maze of bright hallways until they arrived in one of the largest, grandest kitchens she had ever seen.

Everything was white: pure white marble countertops and floors. The cabinets were a white wood. A house elf stood on a stool, cooking pancakes as Narcissa stood there in an emerald green floor-length dress; helping put the food onto plates.

"Darling! You're here! Hello, Hermione, its great to see you," she smiled warmly.
"Thank you for inviting me Mrs Malfoy," Hermione smiled back.

Her nerves had already disapparated.

"Oh, please, call me Narcissa," Narcissa grinned, taking them through her now colourful manor.

They arrived in the dining room and ate their pancakes, Hermione's with strawberries and Draco's drowned in chocolate sauce. She laughed when she saw him reach for more.
"Oh Merlin he's always been like this," Narcissa giggled, her laugh filling the room.
"Mother I am not that bad!" he replied, eating a chocolate-drenched pancake.

The thought of Draco as a young boy eating pancakes like these with just his mother warmed her heart: he was a kind-hearted man beneath the exterior, and she was lucky to experience him in this way. Narcissa thought the world of him and you could tell.

It was a pity Lucius would someday be released.

The three of them finished their perfect pancakes- Draco somehow not spilling chocolate sauce everywhere. Narcissa didn't take them on a tour, she said Draco would do it later.
"Right, how about looking through Draco's baby pictures?" she grinned mischievously.
"Yes!" Hermione exclaimed excitedly.
"Mother you're going to turn her off me," Draco moaned.

They flicked through albums of magical photos for hours. There was Draco grinning with icecream all over his little face; Narcissa and Draco hugging and laughing; Lucius helping Draco fly a broom and so many more things that captivated her due to how magical it all was. Being muggle born wasn't bad in any way, but she missed out on growing up with brooms and bewitching spells.

Soon it was late, and Narcissa bade them goodnight, and Draco began the tour.
"I'm still going to get lost,"
"Just come back to my room. Its the one with the fancy door, love. Think you can remember that?" he smirked.
"Of course," she drawled, rolling her eyes.

It was very confusing due to the sheer size of the manor, but she could remember where the stairs were from Draco's room that she would be staying in. Hermione was surprised his mum would let them share a room: but he explained, rather sheepishly, that he had told her he couldn't sleep without Hermione so she had granted him permission to have her stay in the room too.

"What should I do with my stuff?" she asked.
"I have some spare drawers here, you can put it all in there," he said, gesturing to an impossibly fancy chest of drawers. She opened the bottom three and began neatly putting all her things from her trunk into them.

"Nice bed sheets," she smirked, looking at his expensive Slytherin green satin sheets.
"Pity you aren't laying on them underneath me," he whispered huskily back.

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