What's wrong darling?

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She kissed him, and his arms wrapped around her waist in an instant as he kissed back and hoisted her slightly off the ground.
"Dray!" she giggled, wiping the snow off of his hair.
"What's wrong darling?" he responded with that familiar mischievous glint in his stormy eyes.

The storm in his eyes had settled at last: he seemed no longer at war with himself anymore. It was as if he was finally peaceful and had no hatred, no resentment and no anger towards anyone.
He was finally calm.

"Put me down!" she chuckled.
"Okay Princess," he grinned as he obeyed her.

He kissed her once more softly, and pulled away.

"You have no idea how happy you make me Granger," he smirked.
"Oh not proposing already are we?" she joked.
"Of course not darling, I wouldn't dream of it," he said smoothly.

He walked her back to her dormitory - holding her small hand and squeezing it extra tight as they finally arrived there.
"Goodnight, darling," he whispered.
"Goodnight, my love," she sighed.

Hermione thought she was quite probably the happiest woman alive.

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