Two can play at that game

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They got back at about 2pm, and Hermione ran up to the dorms instantly, to see Ginny.

"GINNY I'M BACK!" she shrieked, practically jumping on her.

"HERMIONE!" Ginny shrieked back; clearly ecstatic everything seemed to of gone well.

"So, how did it go?" she winked.

"It was amazing! We ate at a restaurant, and oh Godric he looked cute Gin,"

"Somebody's really in love," she teased.

"I am not! Am I not allowed to think my boyfriend is cute? Besides, I'm meeting him at the library at 8 so I can help him with his amortentia essay, and I intend to wear something a little more comfy,"

"Two dates in one day?"

"Gin, its not a date," the brunette sighed, "he just needs to finish his homework,"

And with that, she went down the stairs to watch Harry and Ron play wizards chess. Hermione still thought the game was totally barbaric, but she enjoyed watching them as they were both exceptionally talented.

Every now and then they would offer to teach me her how to play: but she always declined. She went upstairs to quickly put on grey joggers and a white t-shirt; then she ran back down the stairs in order to curl up on her favourite arm chair by the fire and read some more of Macbeth, whilst the boys played chess happily before her.

She read for a few hours, and the boys went to go and visit Hagrid for an hour or so in but she didn't want to join them - she needed to finish rereading this book - but they did agree to tell Hagrid she said hello, and to fill me her in when they got back.

Slowly, 7pm ticked to 7:50 and she knew she ought to get going to the library. She brushed her hair; grabbed her essay, quill and ink and then left the common room to go and meet Draco.

"Hermione, early as normal," he grinned. Not even a smirk. A proper smile this time, as if he was genuinely happy to see her.

"Of course," Hermione said back: returning the sweet smile.

"Come on, lets start," he sighed, "Madame Pince agreed to keep the library open until 10 for us,"

We sat down at a table near the back, surrounded by bookshelves: her favourite table.

"So where do I start?" he asked.

"Well, it needs to be 10 inches long," (to this he groaned) "and include the theory of amortentia smelling different to each person - according to what attracts them - and must also include how to make the potion, and its appearance,"she quickly informed him.

"So what bit do I do first then?"

"Well I would always say to start at the beginning. Begin with the recipe, how it looks, then the theory,"

"Okay," he sighed, sitting back- but as he did so, his knee brushed against hers and he didn't move it.

So she moved hers away.

His moved along with it, like a magnet. She looked up at him to see him sitting, writing his essay. He was about 1 inch through.

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