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She gulped against his rock hard chest as he held her in tightly, his cologne filling up her senses and causing her brain to go fuzzy. This was the effect he had on her, and he deserved to know.

"I think I might really like you" she whispered quietly.

No turning back now. She felt his arms drop from her back, and she stepped backwards to create a space between them as it was evident he wasn't going to reply. She looked up to meet his gaze as his eyes darkened. Anger. Pain. Lust.
Who knew what it was.

"Fuck," he groaned under his breath as he grabbed her waist and drew her in: diminishing the gap between them as he hungrily kissed her.

She gasped in shock before kissing back; allowing him to dominate her when he licked her bottom lip asking for entrance. She didn't hesitate before fulfilling his request. Her hands moved from behind his back to tangling into his perfect platinum locks, earning her a slight moan from him as he guided her backwards.

She felt her back hit something hard and rough: bark.

"jump," he whispered, lust filling his voice and flooding into her veins like electricity as it crackled.
She craved him.

Hermione jumped and he pushed her even further up against the tree, no space between them remaining.

Just them.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss. His hands found their way to her hair, tugging on it gently, causing a soft moan to escape her lips. She snaked her arms around his neck, as he began kissing down her neck, sucking, leaving little love bites as he went. At each love bite she moaned a breathy moan.

She knew she needed him.

He got down to her collarbone, and kissed it before bringing his lips up to lock with hers once more and continue their passionate kiss. His hands found their way to her coat, and unzipped it.
He broke apart from her.

"Are you sure?" he whispered huskily.

"Yes," she moaned, not being able to wait a second longer.

The fiery kiss between the blonde and the brunette resumed its fast and heavy pace as he unbuttoned her satin shirt slightly, and began kneading her left breast softly, running his thumb over her nipple causing her body to go mad with desire.

Nobody had ever unlocked this in her before.

"I want you, Hermione," he whispered seductively into her ear before licking her earlobe gently, and kissing down her jaw and then back up to her mouth.

Panting heavily, they stopped the heavy make out session before their lust and longing for each other drove them too far.

"I think I might like you to," he smirked sexily as she buttoned up her pyjama top and kissed him lovingly on the cheek.

"Good night, Draco," she drawled.

"Goodnight, Hermione," he smiled.

They walked back through the castle together and quietly snuck back up to their own dormitories, and she took off my shoes and coat as quietly as she could once she was back.

She muttered a drying charm to dry herself as the rain had been heavy (the storm still raging outside) and then she lay down in bed, before falling into a deep slumber, her dreams full of him.

Time flew by: full of homework, hard work and stealing sensual kisses from each other in the dark.

They hadn't had the talk about becoming a real couple yet - they continued as they had been before the confession.

But her cravings for him hadn't died down yet. Every time she saw him her heart would stop and she would be lost in the memories of him pinning her against the tree and giving her sweet hickeys in the pouring rain.

She'd had to charm them to disappear - but she kept the ones below her collarbone. She wanted his marks on her body for eternity.

"Draco!" she called, seeing him leaving the great hall.

"Yes love?" came his sweet reply.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about... " she trailed off.

"Whats wrong Mi? Come on, let's go on a walk," he suggested, grabbing her hand and swinging it slightly before taking her on a walk through the grounds.

They stopped under a tree, and he lay slumped against it. Without thinking about it, she laid on his chest and listened to the slow, comforting sound of his heart beating. He began playing with her hair gently, soothing her.

"I was wondering what we were," she whispered, not sure where to begin or how he would react.


"I'm not sure what your definition of fake dating is, Draco, but this certainly isn't mine," she giggled.

"Merlin, no. I was expecting this to be over months ago if it were fake dating. I'm not sure what we are either, love, but I've got something to ask you about," he replied smoothly.

"What is it?"

"My father is in Azkaban, as you know, and my mother was wondering if you wanted to come and stay with us over Christmas? You don't have to, of course, if it's too soon but if you want to, I mean, you can?" He asked nervously.

He was cute when he was nervous.

"Of course I want to! I'm just worried she won't except me because of... well - my blood status,"

"My mother isn't like that, Hermione. It's all my father. She's just the same as me, I promise you,"

"I want to go with you for Christmas, Draco," she replied, snuggling into his chest.

"I'm glad you do," he sighed and kissed the top of her head.

She could get used to moments like these.

They lay like that for an hour, talking about nonsense. It was nice when his cold exterior was gone.

Eventually, it started getting dark so they walked (hand in hand) back to the castle and kissed goodnight at the entrance of the Gryffindor common room.

"He likes you, you know," the fat lady smiled.

"What do you mean?" Hermione questioned.

"He's in love with you, he really is. He's let you in to who he really is and has dropped the arrogant front he puts on. I've seen it many times during my time at Hogwarts, but this is by far the most unexpected," she said lovingly to the girl.

"Thank you," Hermione replied, before slowly walking through into the common room, and laying on the sofa to mull over recent events, and how Christmas would be with Draco.

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