A deals a deal

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Hermione watched him walk away, his arm around Pansy, as she laughed up at him. Hermione wasn't sure what had caused this but she was still so angry and upset that she almost cried right there. But she didn't: she ran to her safe place - the library - and build herself a book fort ontop of a desk to cry in.

The hardwood desk was wet with her salty tears as she cried and cried. She loved him: he knew that. And he had said he loved her. It must of all just been some kind of sick game for him. His goal had been to get rid of Pansy had it not? So why he was humiliating her like this was unknown to her.

Unless Ron was right. Maybe it was just an elaborate game; and his end result had been to shatter her. Perhaps this was his plan all along.

She wiped her glistening eyes, and clipped her hair back into a sort of French twist. Thank God for magical entirely waterproof mascara.

She grabbed a book, and decided to skip the rest of Charms: she was half an hour late anyway. Next was potions.
With the Slytherins.

Oh Merlin.

She read for half an hour before sneaking out the library, and running through the castle down to the dungeons. Her hair was still neatly in its french twist and she didn't look like she had just cried: she looked rather good. Hermione walked confidently into the room, and sat in her seat.

Her seat that was next to Draco; with Pansy and Blaise on the other end of the row. Sweet Jesus.

They were brewing a simple sleeping draught. Draco was supposed to be helping her.
"Draco, can you stir the potion for a minute please?" she asked politely.
"So you can go and flirt with Weasel?" he sneered.
"No." she snapped, and flounced off to talk to Harry.

"He's being so distant! He doesn't like Pansy romantically at all: I have no clue why he went with her like that or why he thinks I'm with Ronald!" she said angrily.
"Ferret face thinks we're dating?" Ron laughed.
"It's not funny Ronald!" she whispered angrily.
"Just ask him what's wrong 'mione," Harry said slowly, and she decided to do just that.

"You moved on quickly Granger," he sneered.
"Malfoy. Why are you avoiding me?" she asked in a monotone voice.
"Hmm - let's think. You stand me up to go on a little walk with Weasel and you confess your love to each other - how romantic," he said mockingly.
"Ron? I never confessed my love to Ron! He said he loved me and I turned him down," she laughed.
"So your admitting you lied to me? That you were with Weasel? If you hadn't done anything you shouldn't of you wouldn't of lied, Granger." he stated coldly.
"Are you going to believe me or not? I said it so you wouldn't get angry for gods sake: he confessed he liked me and I turned him down!" she said as loud as she could without drawing unnecessary attention to herself.
"No. I don't think I will believe you Granger," he sneered.

And the pair didn't talk for the rest of the lesson. As soon as it ended, she grabbed Blaise's arm when he left.
"Merlin, Granger! Whats wrong with you?" he laughed as she let go of him.
"Blaise you've got to help me! He won't believe me when I tell him what happened and he thinks I cheated on him. Its preposterous!" she exclaimed frantically, pacing up and down the echoey corridor.
"Granger he thinks you've cheated on him with Weasel." Blaise said, clearly confused.
"He went to the room of requirement with me and he threw old chairs at the wall to relieve his anger," he continued.
"Well its his own fault! I tried telling him what really happened but he won't listen and thats why I need your help, Blaise. Please - your the only chance I've got," she gave  him her best puppy dog eyes at the end. She had to persuade him to say yes.
"I'll help. Under one condition," he said, cocking one eyebrow.
"Anything!" she laughed.
"You set me up with Lovegood,"
"Luna?" she shrieked with laughter. Luna was absolutely gorgeous but she couldn't quite grasp why he, a Slytherin, would want a Ravenclaw.
"I'm serious, Granger. Shes pureblooded and shes gorgeous: I can put up with the codswallop. You set me up with her, I'll talk to Draco,"
"A deals a deal," Hermione confirmed, shaking his hand.

She skipped the rest of her lessons: she needed to devise a plan. She decided to talk to Luna at dinner and suggest she meets up with Blaise. It couldn't be too difficult, I mean she was Luna. Luna was so nice she would befriend anyone. Hermione didn't really understand why Blaise even needed her help at all. Satisfied with the plan, she curled up on her favourite armchair in my common room: ready to complete her potions essay.

"Hermione? Why weren't you in any of the lessons?" Harry asked as soon as he came into the room.
"I was in potions." she replied bluntly.
"You know what I mean. If somethings wrong, you can always talk to me," he sighed.
"I'm fine, really. Blaise is helping me with the Draco situation. It will all be fine," she reassured him, smiling as she did so.

Harry and Hermione went on a walk around the grounds- both wrapped up warm under their school cloaks.
"I think I'm going to propose to her," Harry grinned.
"Who, Ginny?" she asked, completely shocked.
"No. Viktor Krum. Of course its Ginny you fool!" he laughed.
"Well what ring have you picked? Tell me everything!" she replied animatedly.
"Well thats where you come in. I was thinking a gold ring because I know Gin prefers gold and perhaps a ruby in the shape of  a heart? I think she would like it but I wanted you to give me the go-a-head," he said, love clouding over his eyes as he talked about her. They really were adorable.

"I think she'd love it," Hermione grinned.

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