Forest, green apples and... citrus

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As always, the day passed quickly - the perks of being smart - and soon it was 5th period: potions with Professor Snape. Draco and Hermione walked down the dark dungeons corridor, laughing the whole time. They walked into the lesson five minutes late: something Hermione would never dare to do before she was with Draco.

"Mr Malfoy, Miss Granger, I see you have decided to join us," Snape sneered evilly.

"Well Miss Granger, perhaps you could tell me what Amortentia is if you think you are so smart you can turn up to my lesson late,"

"Its the most powerful love potion of all. It is rumoured to smell different for everyone, according to what attracts them," she recited back to him smugly.

"And how does it smell for you?" Snape continued, looming over me like a terrifying tower. She stepped forwards, and smelt the potion.

"It smells of... forest, green apples and... citrus?" she said, questioning herself.

Where did that come from?

"Very good. Now sit down and don't ever turn up to my lesson late again. 15 points shall be taken from Gryffindor and Slytherin." he sneered as she groaned.

"Draco, it clearly says to stir counter clockwise in order for the potion to work! Give me the ladle," Hermione instructed sharply, wishing to pass this class. Perhaps she also wished to know how the potion smelt to Draco, wondering if he would, as he suggested, smell vanilla. She sighed as steam swirled in turrets, erupting from the cauldron.

They had done it.

"Well, it seems Mr Malfoy has taken a leaf from Miss Granger's book and has learnt how to successfully create a potion," Snape smirked, an aura of authority radiating cruelly from within him.

"Well Granger lets see how it smells," Draco whispered under his breath as soon as Snape left.

"I've already said how it smells to me. Now its your turn," she replied breathily.

"Vanilla... mint toothpaste and - roses," he smirked.

Maybe she was just being dramatic, but the thoughts of how she did use mint toothpaste, she did use vanilla body wash and she did use a rose scented perfume were rushing through her mind.

She was probably being lovelorn, just hoping he smelt her in the potion; but the thought of him truly being attracted to her lingered in the depths of her chaotically crowded brain.

She wanted him to smell her when he let the scent of Amortentia fill his nose - a potion so powerful yet so innocent seeming. She knew she smelt him, she wasn't stupid.

But she was going to keep tight-lipped about it until she could pester Ginny for love advice. Merlin, she hadn't done that since she had a rather embarrassing crush on Ron. This 'relationship' had got her mind off him completely, at least: and she couldn't help but notice Pansy had stayed completely away from Draco in the great hall this year, and in their joint lessons. She had refrained from seductively (or as she thought) sliding onto his lap and twisting her hands in her hair as she pushed her chest up against his.

She had left him completely.

Of course, Hermione couldn't see what went on behind closed doors but from what she had observed so far, Pansy was staying away.

Which meant the fake relationship may almost be over.

"Hermione, you alright? You've been a bit quiet?" Draco whispered with a worried look swirling in his stormy eyes.

They looked like smoke, but not as beautiful as the smoke rising from the potion, but angry smoke erupting into the air after a fire was burnt. Never play with fire, she had been told from a young age. But this fire was luring her right in as dreams filled of lust flooded her nights, amidst her deepest secrets.

This fire was going to be played with, even if she got burnt.

"Yes, I'm quite fine thank you Draco," she chirped in response.

"That's good, love," he smiled as he placed a hand on her thigh. He didn't rise it up her leg this time, just let it linger in a sweet fashion; the way she had often witnessed her father do to her mother as a form of quiet comfort.

Hermione's heart still burst whenever Draco called her 'love'.

He had said it so quietly nobody else could hear, calming the rushing wind of thoughts in her brain in an instant.

She saw in his eyes he was sincere.

She placed her small hand on top of his and stroked patterns upon it aimlessly, and glanced at his face and saw a sweet smile upon it and a gentle, rose blush rising on his pale cheeks. She could tell this wasn't acting anymore: and she just hoped he had fallen for her as deeply as she realised she was possibly falling for him.

She moved my hand from his after what felt like hours of ever growing comfort and serenity, but must have only been about 5 minutes. He took his hand off of her leg, much to her disappointment, but then enveloped her hand within his, holding it in a meaningless yet so meaningful gesture.

This time it was Hermione's turn for an innocent blush to form on her cheeks. No snarky comments; just silent, innocent loving gestures towards each other.

If this was how a relationship with Draco Malfoy could be, she wanted more and more with each second passing. If this was how a relationship with Draco Malfoy could be, she never wanted it to end.

"Class dismissed," Snape called from his high and mighty desk at the front of the classroom.

As a stampede of students poured out the room, Draco and Hermione lingered a little longer before going into the now quiet corridor outside.
Still holding hands.

"Well, it seems I was right Granger: I did smell vanilla," he smirked.

"I was just getting used to this new, loving Draco," she sighed, dropping his hand from hers: but missing it already.

"Don't worry darling, he's still here," he smiled, putting a hand under her chin and lifting it so her lips met his perfect ones. He kissed her slowly and lovingly, before smiling against her lips, and disappearing into the shadows.

She stayed for a minute longer, alone, smiling to herself. She thought that perhaps there was a chance he had fallen for her to.

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