It's just a relationship

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They walked side by side to an empty compartment and sat in there. Hermione felt bad for leaving the others, but she knew she needed to set some boundaries with Draco if they were to fake date. Hermione was being logical about this.

"It's a bit early to try and bang me, love," He drawled as soon as she dragged him into an empty compartment.

"Oh shush, I thought we needed to set some boundaries for this 'relationship," she stated, her brow furrowing as he seemed to agree. It was too easy: he really must of changed.

"Okay. Go on?"

"No teasing Ron, Harry or Ginny. No stupid names for them, no bullying them,"

"That's not gonna be easy,"

"No embarrassing me," she continued, "no being a complete arse, no stupidity. If we're going to do this it needs to be highly believable and concise. We need to do this properly and logically,"

"Merlin, you need to loosen up! It's just a relationship- I'm not going to embarrass you. Just follow my lead and everything will be fine. Fuck, Pansy's coming- play along!" he panicked towards the end, as Pansy Parkinson walked over to the compartment 'seductively', with makeup caked all over her pug-like face. Much to her horror, he pushed her down flat onto a seat and climbed on top of her at lightning speed, kissing her non-stop. She was making out with Draco Malfoy for the first time in a train carriage.

"Drakey-" Pansy started in a babyish voice, before noticing the scene unfolding in front of her and shrieking in horror.

"Draco? Whose that?" Pansy said, sounding hurt and Hermione felt bad, but then remembered quickly why she was doing this. If they kept going at this rate this 'relationship' would be done by Christmas and she could return to her usual state: but entirely over Ron.

He got off her, wiping his lips with the back of his hand, hair all ruffled adorably. She sat up, flustered.

"This, Pansy, is my girlfriend," he smirked smugly. The look on Pansy's face was priceless.

"Her? Why are you with her? She's nothing but a filthy mudblood - worthless! This is just a prank, right Drakey poo?" Pansy shrieked at an incredibly high pitched tone, similar to that of a whistle. Hermione could see why he wanted to get rid of her now.

"Don't you dare call anyone that, Pansy! Her blood's just as good as mine- besides, I love her Pansy. Of course it's not a prank you fool, I've been telling you for years I don't like you!" he yelled back.
He defended her.
But that wasn't the most shocking part: the most shocking part was the fact that he said he loved her. Yes, she knew it was fake but it triggered an emotion in her that she never thought existed. Hermione blushed and felt flustered once more. This was going to be the death of her.

Hermione had been gone for ages, and Ginny doubted it was because she'd shat herself.

"I'm gonna go look for Hermione," Ginny shrugged.

"Sheews probwably fine," her absolute pig of a brother said with his mouth open, stuffing it with yet another chicken drumstick.

"Why don't you ever stop eating? Itty bitty Ronny Kins eating all the food whilst his best friend could of been kidnapped?" she angrily exclaimed.

"Relax, Gin, she's fine. She's probably snogging McLaggen," Ron replied sheepishly after her sudden outburst.

"McLaggen?" Harry laughed, "She'd rather snog a goat,"

They all burst into tears of laughter at the image of Hermione snogging a goat, and then Ginny left for real that time, on a man-hunt for her best friend. Annoying pug-faced Parkinson ran past, crying ridiculously. Ginny decided she needed to thank whoever hurt her.

"Drakey-poo and mudblood!" Pansy wailed.

Then it clicked.
"MY best friend was dating Draco sex God Slytherin Prince mega hot Malfoy? And didn't think to tell me? She was shagging a sex God right now and never thought to tell me, her best friend? Unbelievable. I would have to get the rumours confirmed later though," Ginny thought.

The read head ran wildly into their compartment, screaming:


"Merlin, calm down Gin! And I am NOT shagging Malfoy!" Hermione replied, sounding flustered.

"Your hair's a mess and you're blushing like crazy. His hair's a mess. You definitely just fucked."

"Ginny we did not! Nothing happened. Nothing at all."

"Nothing apart from my girlfriend and I just finished a full makeout session, Weaslette." He smirked coolly.

"Draco! I said no calling her names!"

"Sorry, darling, I forgot,"

"YOU'RE DATING MALFOY?" Ginny yelled in excitement.

"MY BEST FRIEND IS DATING THE SLYTHERIN SEX GOD? MERLIN THATS SO EXCITING!"  Ginny shrieked into Hermione's ear, shaking her.

"Slytherin sex God? New nickname every day," he drawled.

"Calm down, Gin," Hermione stated firmly, "it's just dating,"


"Calm down Ginny," Malfoy laughed. I was in shock.

"What's wrong, cat got your tongue? Or is Potter just not doing it for you," he smirked.

"YOU CALLED ME BY MY FIRSTNAME!" she shrieked finally.

"You make that much of a deal over... a name?" he started laughing again, and then so did Hermione, and so did Ginny. The three of them ended up all chuckling immensely, forgetting why Ginny ever came to the compartment in the first place. All she knew was that she was happy for Hermione.

He laughed.
Merlin, he looked cute when he laughed, Hermione thought. And with his hair ruffled up. And, you know, just in general. Of course she was only succumbing to these feelings due to their fake relationship, she told herself. She would never actually like Draco. She just liked the way his name rolled off her tongue, the way his face was chiselled by the God's: and the way he kissed her.
That was it.

She caught herself glancing at him every few seconds, it made their relationship look believable at least. Ginny seemed to believe it, after the huge scene she made. Hermione wasn't sure Harry and Ron's reactions would be as perfectly chaotic as this. She wasn't sure Ron would even have a remotely positive reaction- but she was doing this to get over him, so she ought to put her best foot forward.

Ginny left the compartment, skipping with joy, to go snuggle up to Harry. Hermione could smell Draco's cologne, its sweet scent intoxicating her. It was getting stronger. She opened her eyes, and found him leaning almost on top of her. Her breathing went ragged as he got closer and closer. And he reached out towards her flustered face.

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