My colour's look good on you

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The week had passed incredibly quickly, and this Friday night was warm and beautiful, reminding Hermione of when she went on holiday to Greece with her parents; before she obliviated them.

There was a soft breeze throughout the castle, and the hall was buzzing with the endless chatter of everyone as we ate dinner. She had forgiven Ron for his outburst- after all, it was only fake dating: why would it hurt if he was using her anyway? Ginny came round to her brother again, eventually forgiving him.

"So, Mi, what are you going to wear tomorrow for your date with the Slytherin prince?" Ginny questioned, eyes glistening.

"Bloody hell, first you're dating him then a week later you go on a date?" Ron sighed.

"Well it is called dating, Ronald," Hermione laughed back at him. He murmured something, before turning to Lavender and eating yet another pie from her hand.


"I'm not sure Gin, maybe just a jumper and jeans,"

"BORING! I'm going to dress you with an outfit he'll never forget,"

"Its a casual first date, Gin,  are you sure? What if its too much?"

"Nonsense, Mi! You can pull anything off with your long legs. I was just thinking we could spice up your appearance a bit now you're with Hogwarts most desirable," Ginny winked.

"I'm still not sure Gin..." she continued.

"Hermione Jean Granger I am going to make you hot and irresistible if its the death of me! And that's final. You are going to woo Mr Malfoy using my help," she stated.

And that was that.

Ginny raided through Hermione's clothes, shaming every item she owned.

"Right! You're borrowing something of mine!" she huffed, as Hermione neatly levitated all her clothes back to their original position inside her trunk.

Ginny pulled out a casual dark green dress, that was three-quarter thigh length and tight fitted with a ruched neckline which Hermione assumed was just above the top of the boobs. It would pair well with my complexion, she considered.

"Is it not a bit much?" Hermione wavered.

"Nonsense! It isn't too short, and you can wear it casually with trainers,"

Hermione showered, shaved her legs and dried her hair perfectly, taming the frizz, before settling down to go to sleep.

She woke up to an owl tapping its beak impatiently on the window. Hermione sighed, and got up and walked across the cold floor to open the window and retrieve the parchment tied to its leg. She opened the neatly tied Slytherin green ribbon, and read the letter:

Morning 'my love',

I hope you slept well. Remember to dress well and meet me in the hall after breakfast.

See you soon,


She grinned at the parchment, before glancing at the time on the watch she kept beside my bed.
She had plenty of time: Ginny would help get her ready at 8. Hermione settled down and reached for her favourite copy of Macbeth, and peacefully read it in the early morning light.

This peace only lasted about two hours, before Ginny ran over to her excitedly and ripped the book away from her hands: demanding Hermione get dressed now so she had time to do Hermione's hair and makeup.

Hermione groaned at the red-head: she never wore makeup.

Hermione humoured her, however, and let her put a subtle skin tint on her, along with concealer, blush, mascara and clear lip gloss. Hermione had to admit, she felt good by the end of it. Ginny gently brushed out Hermione's freshly tamed hair and put a spell on it to keep it exactly as it was now. Then she turned the mirror to Hermione.

Hermione felt bad for doubting her instantly- she looked pretty good. It was anything but her style, but it suited her somehow.

"Thank you!" she hugged her as she gasped, surprised at how the Slytherin green seemed to somehow suit her. Hermione put her book away under her pillow, and checked the time.

Still an hour before she had to meet him.

She went down to breakfast with Ginny, hearing murmurs saying dating Draco had changed her for the better. They sat side by side and ate fruit salad, returned to their dorm and brushed their teeth; then Hermione went back to the hall, seeing Draco down the corridor, and smiled captivatingly as she ran over to him.

Draco sighed, she was a minute late. He hoped she wouldn't stand him up: that would be ridiculously embarrassing and Blaise would never let him live it down.

Draco thought he heard footsteps, so he turned round and had to do his best to retain a poker face as he saw Hermione smiling and running towards him, her hair in soft waves flapping in the air behind her. She looked stunning: and then he noticed she was wearing his colour just as she reached him.

He pulled her in tightly for a loving embrace, resting his chin on top of her head, yet again smelling vanilla. They received adoring looks from some first year Ravenclaw's as they stood for about 10 seconds, neither wanting to pull out of the hug.

She finally pulled away, and Draco lips moved close to her ear.

"My colour's look good on you," he whispered innocently, but the smirk on his face when he saw her cheeks turn scarlet told Hermione he meant it in a way that was anything but innocent.

"You look alright yourself," she smirked back.

He looked more than just alright.

He was wearing black slim fit jeans which looked incredibly expensive, and no doubt were. He had a plain, tight fitted white t-shirt that showed off his abs and amazing seeker's physique.. Over the top of his t-shirt was a large denim jacket, finishing the look off.

Who knew: Draco Malfoy had style.

"I've been told that before," he drawled, before laughing as she frowned. He took her hand in his and squeezed it gently (for the sake of public appearances, of course) and they began to walk to Hogsmeade, talking about anything and everything on their way there.

They looked, as one would describe, like a perfect couple.
And they both quite liked that.

This was unlike what Hermione had read about in romance books, it was more; well - real.

The only similarity was the way he gazed into her eyes like she was the only girl in the world. He must be quite the actor, she thought.

"Draco, where are we going in Hogsmeade? We're almost there any you still haven't told me!"

"A man never reveals his secret,"

"Secret? It's just a date location! Aww, did the cupid's arrow hit you head on? Are you so in love that your proposing already?" she joked back mockingly.

"If anyone's going to fall in love here, its you darling,".

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