Lost in thoughts about him

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The weekend had passed surprisingly quickly: after all, he had taken her on a proper date just like how proper lover's do.

Hermione woke up at 5am on the Monday morning, and sat up.

The kiss rushed to her mind.

She smiled.

Perhaps she would keep that just between them.

Reaching under her bed for her Macbeth book, she wondered whether she really did like Draco.

It wouldn't be the first time she had found him appealing: who didn't?

He had perfect, angelic features that let off such a sweet aura of mystery that you could never get enough of.
It was addicting.
And his cologne was intoxicating.

The second it filled your nose your head went fuzzy and you couldn't think straight, lust running through your veins like electricity.

Hermione understood now what Ginny meant by Hogwart's most desirable.

Flicking through the pages of her book, reading absentmindedly, she decided she would attempt to work with Draco in the potions lesson that day.

Pansy would be there at least.
Then the cruel reality hit her.
He was only staying to get rid of Pansy.

At about 6am she got up, the cold wooden floors sending a series of chills through her bones. It was getting colder in the mornings.

She got dressed in her Gryffindor uniform; making sure it was remarkably perfect - as per normal.

Hermione took great pride in her appearance.

She liked how she had looked yesterday, so she went in front of a mirror and tried applying a bit of concealer under my eyes, which she set with a spell, and some blush on my cheeks and nose.

It bought a bit more colour to her pale face.

She ran some mascara through her already-long lashes, and put on some lip balm.

Simple, yet the changes were obvious.

She sighed - she had never thought she would ever care about makeup: she wasn't the type.

Brushing the night time knots out of her hair, she was satisfied.

The common room was always fairly silent at half past 6 in the morning - most students were still asleep.
Not many were early risers.
The fire was already roaring and crackling in a comforting way.

Hermione sat down in her favourite armchair; watching the flames flicker and tickle the air. She found herself thinking about him again as she was almost hypnotised by the fire.

His name rolled off her tongue so elegantly.

Lost in thoughts about him, she decided to write him a sweet good morning note.

Just enough to make him smile as he read it. Nothing too much, nothing too little. Blushing as she thought about him, she attached the note to Hedwig's leg and sent her to Draco.

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