What the fuck are Nargles?

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He walked into dinner with Pansy.

His arm hung loosely around her waist. He whispered something to her as they sat down and she smirked, glancing quickly at Hermione to make sure she had seen, and then Pansy climbed onto his lap.

And Draco was enjoying it.

Blaise threw Hermione an apologetic glance, and she smiled at him.

"Luna!" she grinned.
"Hello Hermione," Luna smiled.
"Would you like to sit with me?" she offered.
"Of course. Thank you, Hermione. How is it going with Draco? Has he realised you did nothing wrong yet? The nargles believe he will soon see reason," Luna said dreamily.

Luna always was well: rather spiritual. Hermione didn't know how she knew about the incident, but Luna always had scarily accurate guesses as to what was going on. Merlin, she was more accurate than Trelawney.

"I hope so," I sighed, " he isn't talking to me at the moment,"
"Blaise is looking at us. He has beautiful eyes: you can see the wrackspurts in his brain straight through them," Luna admired.

Hermione remembered her little deal with that particular Italian Slytherin.

"He really seems interested in you Luna - perhaps you should ask him on a date to go Nargle hunting," she suggested, winking at Blaise.

Draco noticed her wink and gave Blaise a foul stare.

"I think I will. Thank you, Hermione," Luna replied airily, before dancing off towards the Slytherin table: completely fearless. Hermione always admired her courage - she didn't know if Luna was foolish or incredibly brave.

She watched her greet Blaise, and Luna then started blushing as he spoke back to her. Luna asked him a question to which he excitedly agreed like a child in a candy store. Luna then kissed his cheek - much to his surprise - and skipped off.

Hermione had done her part of the deal within a few hours.

"Hey Granger, going to go suck Weasel's face off again? I heard its the most action you've ever got!" Malfoy yelled from his table as she left. The Slytherin's started sniggering, and Pansy wrapped her arms around him.

"Ignore him," Blaise mouthed.

"Shut it, ferret face," she calmly said back.

"I bet you've never been fucked in your life, have you Granger? Who would want to go near an arrogant little prude like you?" he spat spitefully.

She left, giving him a disappointed look.

Blaise caught up with her as she began walking to the library.
"I'm sorry Hermione, he shouldn't be such an arse. I'm sure you and Weasley have had... uh... loads of action," he said awkwardly.

"Oh trust me, I've had far more with Malfoy," she laughed back.

"Ooh," he winked.
"Anyway - thank you for setting me and Luna up. She said my heads full of wrackspurts and invited me to go Nargle hunting with her. What the fuck are Nargles?"
"I don't know, Blaise, I find it easier to just go along with whatever she says," she sighed.
"Will do. Can I sit with you in the library? We need to discuss the Draco situation," he asked her.
"Of course," she grinned.

Draco knew he had gone too far, but the scene of her and Ron by the lake made him see red with anger. He thought she entirely deserved it for cheating on him.

"Pans?" he grinned, for the first time since the incident.
"Yes Draco?"
"Thank you. Your performance was good." Draco smirked.
"Anything for you," Pansy said sarcastically.

Draco assumed Blaise had gone to try and woo Luna again, so he didn't even try to go and find him.

Instead, he went into the library to try and sneak into the restricted section; and he heard a few giggles coming from nearby.

"Oh shush Blaise!" he heard a familiar voice whisper furiously.
Smirking, he silently looked round the bookcase to see who Blaise's newest girl toy would be.

And he saw nobody other than Hermione.

"Blaise what the fuck is this?" Draco growled as he grabbed Blaise and yanked him up.
"I fucking told you ages ago she's mine and to leave her alone," Draco hissed.
"Yours? You bloody ended it Malfoy!" she retorted.

He silently cast a charm so Madame Pince wouldn't hear us.
"Because you fucking cheated on me Granger, like the weasel whore you are," he said menacingly.

"No she didn't." Blaise stated simply as Draco dropped his arm.
"She fucking did Blaise I told you!" Draco yelled, blinded by fury at the betrayal.
"I didn't, Malfoy! I told you what happened!" she shrieked, close to tears.

Girls and their bloody crying, he thought.

"Nice try, Granger. Why don't you go run off to weasel. I'm sure he's practically begging for his one inch wonder to be sucked. I'd hurry if I were you: Brown seems quite eager," he sneered.
"Draco calm it." Blaise ordered threateningly.
"She didn't fucking cheat on you mate. We were here planning how to get you guys back together. She didn't do anything wrong and you jumped to conclusions," Blaise spat.
"Betraying your best friend for a pathetic prude are we?" he laughed cruelly.

"Prude? You weren't saying that when you were making love to me," she seethed, her eyes flashing with anger.
"I don't make love, Granger, I fuck. And - to be honest - you were nowhere near the best I've had," he sneered, before leaving. He heard Blaise cursing as he left.

"As always, he doesn't listen when you try to tell him he's wrong. Too bloody stubborn."Hermione sighed.
"I'm sorry, Hermione, I really am," Blaise said sincerely as he pulled her into a tight hug.

Her tears threatened to spill onto his shoulder, but she wiped them roughly away and told him it was okay.

Perhaps she was wrong about Draco. Maybe he really was still an arse.

"He really did like you you know: he talked about you a lot. And meeting his mum is a big deal - her approval matters a lot to him,"Blaise said softly as Hermione pulled away from the hug.

"Well maybe we were both wrong," she sighed.

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