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"Ha! See that's bullshit! Harry doesn't get soft for any girl." Niall's strong Irish accent laughed through the small studio.

After Harry and I got dressed and cleaned up the living room, Frank told us we needed to come to the studio to start really working on the album. He said apparently my song about Dylan was just 'too personal' and 'too slow' for the album.

I'm honestly fine with that, it was a sad song and honestly very vulnerable. Plus— we already discussed we wanted this album to sound more like a pop album than a slow one.

Harry told me in the car on the way over that he invited his friend Niall over who was staying in New York this week. Apparently he heard we were staying here and spontaneously decide to drive down to help us with writing today.

I don't mind at all, he's super nice and very funny. He had this likable, golden retriever kinda way about him. Harry and Frank were in the other room making coffee, so Niall and I started talking on our own.

He brought up the fact that Harry apparently wouldn't stop talking about me, and how he hasn't seen him look at someone like he looks at me since Amanda. I don't know who Amanda is, but as soon as Niall said that he told me to not bring it up around Harry, and that I shouldn't ask him about it.

"It's true!" I laugh, trying to convince him that Harry can be sweet sometimes.

"What's true?" Speak of the devil.

Harry came walking in balancing three cups of coffee in his hands. He was wearing the same white t-shirt and blue jeans from this morning, and his hair was perfectly-messy so that the front was flicked back but his curls on the sides were out.

"That you can be sweet." I say, bringing my knees up to my chest on the couch and placing my chin between my knees.

"Hey— woah..." He says, placing the coffees down on the table, "I'm not sweet. I just... am more tolerate of Olivia than I am of other people."

"Sure." Niall scoffs, trying to hide a smile.

"Oh c'mon Harry, you're pretty sweet." I say, laughing a little. Harry sits down on the couch right beside me, slinging his arm over my shoulders.

"Yeah... yeah, whatever." He says, rolling his eyes but trying to hide a small smile himself. I chuckle a little before reaching over to the coffee table and brining the warm mug of coffee to my lips, taking a sip.

"Olivia what's on your neck?" Niall says, looking at a spot on my neck. I furrow my brows with the mug still on my lips, not sure what he was talking about.

"Hm?" I ask, swallowing my coffee and setting it back down on the coffee table. I try my best to look down at my neck to see what he was talking about, but I couldn't see anything. I bring my finger up to the side of my neck right above my collarbone, lightly pressing down on it until I feel a tender spot.

Oh god.

"Oh shit— I... I don't know." I mumble while frantically moving my hair to that side of my neck to cover it. Fuck my life.

"I must've burned it when I was straightening my hair this morning." I say, giving an awkward smile.

"Oh. It looks pretty raw. Does it hurt?" Niall asks with a concerned look on his face.

I could practically feel Harrys smirk, I just knew he was enjoying this. It was probably quite entertaining for him, and I'm sure he's proud of himself for the sensitive hickey on my neck.

"Just a little tender." I say, forming my lips into a line.

"Aw. Here let me kiss it better." Harry chimes in, suddenly shifting over and pushing my hair behind my back. He leans into my neck and almost connects his lips with the sensitive spot but I quickly push him back and bring my hair back to cover it.

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