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Harry Styles

Well, today's the big day. The day I have been dreading for a week now. The day that I know is going to fuck up everything even more.

Today I have to take photos with Victoria.

I haven't seen her since Olivia's party after our road trip, to be honest I didn't even want to bring her. I only brought her because I knew it would make Olivia jealous, and at the time she was still with Dylan. I hated every minute of it, she was the opposite of Olivia, and I knew the only reason she went with me is because of my following.

I'm honestly quite scared for today. I'm supposed to meet up with Victoria at one o'clock, and it's already twelve. I don't know how this is going to go, and I don't even know what I am supposed to do with her.

I'm even more scared for Olivia's reaction though. It's not like things are better between us, but they aren't as bad as they were three days ago. Three days ago we couldn't even look at each other without yelling. At least now we can have a normal civilized conversation, even though they are usually quite awkward.

I miss having our old deep midnight talks, where we discuss the stars and our childhoods. Now it's just miserable small talk. It's not like we don't know we miss each other, it's very obvious considering our song writing. But neither of us talk about the lyrics after we play them, we both know it would be too much for us to handle.

I know that all the progress we've made in these past two days our going to go straight to hell after these pictures are released. Knowing Olivia, she'll probably be stubborn and pretend she doesn't care but then turn around and write a song about it. I cant blame her though, I've been doing the same thing. It's like we can't talk to each other about how we really feel, so we just have to write about it, sing it, and then pretend like it never happened afterwards.

I sigh as I push myself up out of bed finally, running my fingers through my tangled curly locks and heading downstairs. I can already feel my head starting to hurt with just the thought of having to take these pictures. I don't even like Victoria, could they not have chose someone else? Someone who's at least tolerable?

I trudge down stairs, dragging my feet across the floor as I lazily enter the kitchen, taking in the mess I left. Niall and I hung out here last night and talked about everything, it was actually quite nice. Niall and I used to hang out all the time with the other boys, but right now Liam and I aren't really on talking terms and it would be weird to just hang out with Louis and Niall.

Niall and I have always been the closest, he has this warm happy presence about that you can't help but like. He's always smiling and making jokes, which is a good trait to have. Usually I don't like people who find every fucking thing funny, but with Niall he makes everything funnier. He can be like that, but he can also get into deep conversations with you and be brutally honest if he has to. That's what we were doing last night.

I talked to him about Olivia, Amanda, and this whole thing going on with Victoria today. It was mainly me talking the whole time, but it was still nice to have him around. I haven't really hung out with anyone in this past week, so last night was refreshing.

I feel the warmth of the sun coming in through the windows as I rummage through the fridge, trying to find something to eat for breakfast while my coffee was being made. I dig through all the old food that needed to be thrown out, eventually finding an apple.

I shut the fridge and take a bite out of the apple while grabbing a mug from the cabinet and taking it over to my brewing coffee. While I wait for my coffee to be made I grab my phone and decide to look at Twitter.

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