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song: Symmetry by SYML
play when you see the **
Harry Styles

"Harry!" I hear Olivia yell from the kitchen. I roll my eyes before pulling myself off of the couch I was glued onto.

"Hmm?" I ask, walking into the kitchen to see Olivia putting up dishes from the dinner she made.

The pasta was absolute shit also. It was the most plain pasta I've ever had. No butter, no sauce, just noodles and salt. But of course, me being the sweet guy that I am, I told her it tasted great.

"Are Sam and John asleep?" She asks.

"Yes. They're passed out on the couch." I say, walking up behind her and snaking my arms around her waist, "did you have something in mind?" I ask, smirking as I bring my lips to her neck.

"Yes actually— I was wondering if you could put them in bed." She says, quickly flipping her body around so she was facing me. I quickly shake my head and begin to walk away.

"Hell no. I already kept them entertained tonight." I say, starting to walk out of the kitchen but stopped when I feel a grip on my arm pulling me back.

"Pleaseeee." Olivia pleads, "It's the easiest part. Plus I've still got all of these dishes to do."

"I'll do the dishes. You can put those dipshits in bed." I shrug my shoulders.

"Don't be a pussy Harry. Put the damn kids in bed." She suddenly becomes serious, making me widen my eyes in surprise, "You scared of them or something?"

"What? No!" I shake my head. She's trying to make me seem weak.

"Then pick them up, carry them into my room, and place them in bed." she instructs, "Jenny is going to be here in an hour and a half and she always says that if they fall asleep put them in bed."

"Fine." I say, rolling my eyes and storming out of the kitchen.

I walk into the living room to see both Sam and John sprawled out on the couch, sound asleep. They both looked very peaceful, much different from when they're awake. I stare at them for a second, trying to figure out how I should pick them up.

I lean over and pick up Sam, carrying him bridal style to Olivia's bedroom. I look fucking insane carrying a kid like this. Why am I doing this again?

I place Sam on the bed before walking into the living room again and doing the same with John. I undo the covers and help them get under the blankets, trying my best not to wake them.

I can't believe Jenny made us get her fucking kids from school.

Once I finally finish tucking the boys in, I stand up straight and dust my hands off. I start to turn around and walk away, but stop when I hear a voice come from one of the boys.

"Hey Harry..." I hear Sam say, causing me to roll my eyes before turning around to face him. I place my hands on my hips while I give him an annoyed look.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Are you and Olivia boyfriend and girlfriend?" He asks, making me literally want to throw up.

The fuck did this two year old just say?

What the hell is with people assuming we're dating?

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