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hey guys! i just wanted to say something really quick.
this book does take place in 2020, but i am messing with time a little bit, harry is 20 in this story along with olivia.
so just to make it clear, takes place in 2020, but harry is 20 :)
ok, enjoy!
I woke up to my head pounding and the feeling of wetness from the corner of my mouth. I slowly lifted my head off of the pillow, that was now on the opposite side of the bed from where it was last night. There was also a small wet spot on it, meaning I drooled. I always drool in my sleep.

I slowly lift myself up and out of bed, flipping my feet over so they are dangling off the edge. My head was hurting like a bitch, so I reached over to the edge of my nightstand to take some Tylenol. I usually get headaches the morning after big shows, so I just keep pain killers on my nightstand.

I was finally in my own bed again, and it felt great. After being on tour for six months, sleeping in a different bed every other night gets old after a while. Even though I still had one last show tonight, it felt as if it was already over.

It was my first world tour, and it was amazing. Last year when I was a smaller artist, I did tour around American in a lot of small towns and venues. But, once I got big we decided I should go on a world tour, and it was one of the best decisions of my life. I always wanted to see the world and perform, but I never really thought it would happen.

I stand up from my bed and walk over to my small bathroom to splash water on my face, hoping to wake up some. My apartment in New York wasn't very big, but considering the location of it, it was actually really nice. I look over at my phone and see it's already 9:30, meaning I have to be at the stadium in less then four hours for sound check. We typically don't do two shows in cities, but since I live in New York and it's the last show, we thought we should. Kinda like a goodbye.

I walk over to my kitchen to fix some breakfast, just making some oatmeal and a cup of coffee, and I sit down to look at my phone. My instagram is flooded with tags and videos from the concert last night, mainly from fans posting about it. I skim through the posts and like a couple of the pictures I see. I try my best to stay active on social media and communicate with my fans, but the thing is I don't like seeing pictures of myself, so at the same time I try to avoid social media.

After being busy 24/7 for the last six months, it was weird having nothing to do. I only have three hours before I have to start getting ready for soundcheck, and I have no clue what to do. I probably should call Dylan and see if he wants to grab lunch or something, but I am just exhausted. So, instead I finish up my breakfast and go to my couch and plop down. I flip on the tv to see if any thing good is on, but when I can't find anything I just decide to watch the news. Pretty boring shit if you ask me, just politics and weather updates.

I watch the news for about 15 minutes when my phone starts to buzz from across the room, and I rush over to my kitchen counter to see it's from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Hey Olivia! It's Frank! From last night." I hear from the other side of the cell phone. Why is he calling so early?

"Frank! Hey! How are you?" I say, trying to sound as polite as possible.

I really am flattered that Frank wants me to collaborate with this guy Harry, but I just am not that into the music industry yet. I am kinda just riding solo for now.

"I'm great! Listen, about my offer last night. Well, James called me and said you would love to collaborate-"

"W-wait I am sorry... what?" I interrupt him. I specifically told James I did not want to do this.

"Yeah. James called me this morning and said he thought it would be a great idea! So this coming Saturday we have arranged a time for us to meet up at a writing studio and sit down. We can order food and let you and Harry get to know each other-"

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