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I quickly bolt up and out of my bed when I hear the loud banging on my door. It took my mind a second to register what was happening because of the deep sleep that I was in. The loud knocking on the door continued, and I quickly walked over to it and looked through the peak whole. There I saw Dylan. Dylan and I haven't spoken since we had our argument about Harry.

I didn't want to tell Dylan about my encounter with Harry yesterday. More importantly, I didn't want to tell Dylan he was right, Harry is an ass.

I hesitantly open my door, to be faced with Dylan. I was expecting him to be angry, considering there were tons of paparazzi photos taken of Harry and I last night leaving the show. But, instead his eyes showed concerned and worry.

"Oh my gosh Olivia! What the hell!" He raises his voice, but not in an angry tone, in a concerned one.

"What?" I say, scratching my head, confused as to what he was saying.

Last night after the show I am pretty sure I just went home and went to bed, I am really hoping I didn't get drunk or something. When I get drunk bad things happen.

Last time I got wasted, I accidentally tweeted the name of my next single. I know it might not seem as bad as drunk calling an ex, or hooking up with a random guy at a bar, but for me it was bad. I got in a lot of trouble with management and my publicist and, the whole internet. My whole fan base was pissed at me for giving it away.

"It's 1:00 in the afternoon!" He says, pointing to the clock that was beside my bed.

"Oh." I say, I thought something was actually wrong.

"You scared me! I tried to call you last night and you didn't answer, so I figured you went to bed. But then when I called this afternoon you didn't answer. I thought you got killed or something." He says, walking into my apartment, uninvited.

"So you're not mad at me?" I ask, following him to my kitchen. I start fixing some coffee in a French press as he sits down in one of the kitchen stools.

"No, why would I be mad?" He says, watching me intently as I fix my drink.

"I don't know, well, yesterday you were pretty pissed at me. You didn't even show up to my show last night. It was my last one." I say, trying not to sound to upset, even though I was. Last night was a big show, and he skipped it because he was upset that I was doing something that could boost my career, which pissed me off.

"I don't want to talk about that Olivia. I got upset with you yesterday and I think I had the right to. You're my girl and-"

"No, don't even go there. You don't have 'the right to get mad at me for doing something with my career. Even if Harry Styles is an asshole, you don't have the right to get upset with me over it." I interrupt him. I was getting really mad. He should not be talking to me like this.

"Olivia, I really don't want to talk about this." He says, his tone growing more and more annoyed. I really didn't want to start any thing with him, but when he treats my like his own personal object, it pisses me off.

I know he's not using me for my fame, I mean, he started dating me before I blew up. But, a small part of me feels like he is staying because of my fame. I know it's probably not true, but a small part of me still feels like the only reason he is staying with is so he doesn't get bad press.

"No, I think we need to talk about this. Dylan, I am not trying to start anything with you, but yesterday really upset me. You can't get angry with me for the choices I decide to make." I state, pushing my french press down so that the coffee grinds are pushed to the bottom, leaving just the drink.

"I wasn't getting upset over you're decision, I was getting upset over who you're going to work with-"

"That is my decision though." I interrupt him again.

"Olivia, you can't get angry at me for watching out for you. I am just trying to protect you." He says, confidently. I wasn't going to let him bullshit me, I can tell the difference between objectifying and gate keeping me, and being protective.

"Don't switch this up on me." I say, turning to face him, "You got upset with me because I am working with someone who you don't feel comfortable with. But it's not about you. It's my career, I can choose who I work with."

"Damnit Olivia!" He yells in a harsh tone, changing the mood of the conversation completely. He slams his hand down on the table and then abruptly shoots uo out of the chair.

In reflex, I jump a little, spilling some of my coffee on my t-shirt. Suddenly worry comes over his face, he rushes over and attempts to wrap his arms around me, but I back up before he can touch me.

"Dylan, can you please leave." I say, backing away from him. I didn't want him here.

"Olivia, baby I am sorry... I didn't mean to raise my voice I just-"

"Please. Just leave. We can talk about this later, I just- I need to have some time alone." I say. I didn't really know what I meant with that statement. Time alone as in a couple days, or a break in our relationship. Either way, I needed to be away from him for a while, I don't like how he has been treating me.

"Ok." Is all he says, before turning around and walking towards the door. He didn't sound sorry anymore, he sounded annoyed. He quickly open the front door, walking out and shutting it behind him.


The rest of the day was spent in bed, reading reviews online about my tour and what people thought about it. Most of them were good, there were some small complaints about me rushing off stage at the very end, but that wasn't really a big deal.

I tried not to think too much about Harry, or Dylan. He was really making me upset, and it was concerning how he was talking and yelling at me. I know he would never physically hurt me, but I couldn't help but feel a little bit timid when he raises his voice at me. I do know, if he does ever lay a finger on me, then I will end it immediately.

It was about 7 at night now, and I was growing very bored. I am not used to having days off, and I knew that soon I was going to be right back to working my ass off in the studio. But, I was bored. And I needed something to do.

My mind kept wandering back to last night, when Harry and I met. He was a dickhead, that's for sure, but I couldn't help but be interested in him. Not romantically, but in a curious 'I want to get to know you' way. He had this laid back, 'I don't need to try' way about him. I know I only met him once, but I can already tell so much about him.

He's cocky, he definitely thinks he can get away with anything with no consequences. He's the kind of guy that will break the rules, and say that 'rules are meant to be broken'. You can tell by the way he carries himself.

He walks like he knows he's attractive. Don't get me wrong, he is. Very. He has vibrant green eyes, slicked back curls, and a great figure. He was like walking sex.

I know I shouldn't be thinking about him like this, considering I have a boyfriend. But can you blame me? I mean, look at him.

It just sucks that he is an ass. It's not like he was being directly rude, but you could tell he had an attitude. He kept interrupting me and not answering any of my questions. Maybe if I get to know him more, he'll open up a little, and not be as rude.
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