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Olivia Thomson



"Liv." I hear the faint English accent and a small nudge on my shoulder, waking me up.

"Hmm?" I mumble, bringing the blankets closer to me and burying my head deeper into the pillow.

"We've got to go in 30 minutes." Harry whispers to me. I feel the bed sink on my side, and I lightly open my eyes to see Harry sitting beside me.

"What time is it?" I ask. From the dim lighting in the room it looked like it was still early outside.

"About six" He looks at his phone screen and then sticks it in his pocket.

"Shit. We only got like three and a half hours of sleep." I groan, slowly lifting myself up out of the bed. I sit against the headboard and bring my knees to my chest, hugging them.

"You can sleep on the way." Harry says before coldly turning away and towards the door. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the b— couch.

"You're key card is on the nightstand." He mumbles before opening the hotel door, walking out and shutting it behind him.

What's his problem?


Does he regret last night? Did I go too far by sleeping in his hotel room? I mean— he was the one who offered it so if he's upset about that, it's a pretty asshole thing to do. Was he regretting going to the pool? Or opening up to me? Shit.

I am probably just overthinking it, but I can't help but be a little bit worried I did something wrong.

No— he didn't do anything. All he did was leave the room... very abruptly. Fuck me, it's fine. I am overthinking it.

I push my anxious thoughts aside and get up out of the bed. My head feels light and my eyes burn from the lack of sleep, but I lazily make my way towards the nightstand and grab my key card. I just want to get out of here as soon as possible.

Where did Harry even go? This is his room and he just left.

I ignore my worries and just make my way towards the door, opening it. I slowly walk out and make sure nobody is in the hall. It would be quite awkward if someone saw me wearing a mans clothes, leaving a hotel room and going into another one at six in the morning.

The second I get into my room, I rummage through my suitcase to find a somewhat decent outfit. I pull out a white cropped spaghettini strapped tank top and a pair of baggy jeans. Not the best outfit, but it'll do.

I am not sure what to do with Harry's clothes. Should I keep them? Do I give them back to him? I have no idea— so I just fold them neatly and shove them into my suitcase.

I don't have time to shower, so I just use some dry shampoo in my hair and pull it up in a ponytail. I do my regular light makeup routine, and brush my teeth. My head is pounding from getting three hours of sleep, so I pop in an Ibuprofen that I had packed.

I'm not sure if I should go and try to find Harry, if I should wait for him, or if I should call him. I don't know where he went but I am assuming it's somewhere in the hotel.

I choose to just call him, grabbing my phone off of the nightstand and finding his name in my contacts.

"Yeah?" The phone rings a couple times but then I hear Harry's familiar cold accent coke though the phone.

"I was just going to let you know that I am ready if you want to go ahead and get on the road." I suggest timidly, not sure if he's still in a bad mood.

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