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^this is the outfit olivia wears this chapter :)
The sound of the continuous beeping of my alarm is the first thing I head when I woke up.

I lazily lift my arm up from out of the blankets and feel all over the nightstand, trying to find the off button of this damn alarm clock. Eventually I feel the familiar rectangular button and press it, causing the beeping to come to a stop.

I bury my head in my pillow and grunt, collecting my thoughts.

I am not sure what Harry has planned for today. I don't know if he wants to immediately hit the road to Ohio or spend another night in Pennsylvania. I didn't bother asking him last night after our bickering about the way he treated that fan. I still can't believe he talked to her like that.

Ok, yes. Maybe I overreacted a little bit, but I was drunk (which by the way is biting me in the ass right now because I have a killer headache). But drunk or not, he was being an asshole. Honestly I don't care if I came off as overdramatic, Harry deserved me getting upset with him.

I push my thoughts aside and decide to get out of bed, throwing the sheets off of me and flipping my legs over the edge of the bed. I sit there for a minute staring at the ground like an idiot, just preparing myself for standing up. I am a slow waker.

Eventually I stand up and walk over the nice hotel bathroom, it had white marble countertops with a long mirror and a fancy sink. I look at my reflection and immediately cringe at the sight.

My brown hair was matted and tangled, it was super frizzy with hairs sticking out ever where. I still had left over makeup on, some mascara smudging across my eye lid on my left eye. Not to mention I had extremely dark eye bags from the night before.

I brush my hair through before throwing it into a low ponytail and splashing cold water on my face. I decide to get a shower, walking over to the fancy shower and turning the head on. I strip out of my pajamas and wait for the water to get warm. Once it reaches the right temperature I slide into the shower. I can immediately feel my muscles ease the second the warm water hits my back. I wash up with just the shampoo and conditioner that the hotel gives out.

After I finish cleaning up, I turn the shower off and grab a towel from off the rack, folding it over my body before stepping out of the shower. I walk over to the counter and use my hand to wipe the mirror that was fogged up from the hot shower. My makeup was no longer smudged across my face, and I looked much more lively.

I dry off and walk into my room over to my suitcase to pick out an outfit. I choose a black casual sundress with white floral flowers on it. I match it with a cropped pastel yellow sweater and my usual doc martins. After putting on the outfit I walk back into the bathroom and blow dry my hair. Usually I would put it up but I honestly don't feel like it, so I just leave it down.

I honestly hate my hair, it's extremely plain. First, it's like a mouse brown color. I could pass for 'dirty blonde', but if we're being real here, it's a boring light brown. It also has no texture, it's thin and straight. I've always wanted to do something to it, dye it or get a spontaneous haircut, but I've never had the courage to do it.

Lastly, I put on some light makeup, consisting of concealer, mascara, and some blush. Boom, I am ready.

I'm not sure what to do though. Should I knock on Harry's door? Do I go down to the lobby and wait for him? Should I call him? I contemplate my thoughts before deciding to just knock on his door. If he doesn't answer I'll assume he's still sleeping. It's only 9 in the morning anyways.

I walk over to my hotel door and open it. My room is 205 and Harry's is 207, so his is just right next door. Out in the hallway, I turn to my left and see the brown wooden door with the numbers 207 across the top.

I put my hand into a fist and bring it up to knock, but I immediately stop when I hear the sound of faint arguing. At first I thought it was someone down the hall, but when I listen closer, I realize it's coming from Harry's room. Out of instinct, I lower my hand and bring my ear closer to the door, trying to listen in on what was going on.

I couldn't quite make out what exactly was being said, but there was definitely arguing. I could hear Harry's deep British accent and, not surprisingly the sound of a female voice. He must've hooked up with some girl after I went to my room.

I was about to turn away to go back to my room when Harry's door suddenly swings open. I come face to face with a shirtless Harry in boxers, an angry look on his face. I widen my eyes at the sight and immediately turn around so I am not facing him.

I don't know why I turned around, it's not like his dick was out or something. But just staring at another man in only his boxers while having a boyfriend made me feel like I had to look away. It was hard to take my eyes off of him though, from the quick glance I saw he was very in shape. He definitely had defined abs and a tanned toned torso.

Before Harry got to say anything to me standing right outside his door,  a girl suddenly storms out, nearly shoving me out the doorway before storming out into the hallway. I glance over to her and see the familiar red hair down her back, my eyes widening.

Oh my god.

He hooked up with the girl from last night. She was stomping away angrily with her heels in her hands and her dressed scrunched up to barely below her ass.

"Were you listening to our conversation?" He asks me in an angry annoyed tone. I was still facing away from him, and I was still in the hallway.

"What? No- I wasn't. I was about to knock when she came storming out." I say, crossing my arms over my chest, this was extremely awkward. "Was that the same girl you made cry last night?" I ask.

"Yeah- you can turn around by the way." He answers. I turn around to see him now with sweatpants on over his boxers, he must've slipped them on when she was storming off. He was still shirtless though, and I quickly catch a glance of his chest. He had a beautiful butterfly tattoo right in the middle of his chest with two birds on each side of it. There were also tons of other small tattoos scattered across his toned chest.

"Sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Why were you waiting out here." He asks, a stern look on his face.

"Well I was trying to kno-"

"Couldn't you tell I was busy?" He interrupts me with an annoyed tone.

"Well- I just wanted to ask whe-"

"We're not leaving today. We'll leave tomorrow. Meeting in Chicago got delayed for another day." He answers still with an annoyed tone.

"Ok." I say, looking to the side and going back and forth from leaning on the tip of my toes to my heels. "Erm, sorry for you know- waiting outside and stuff." I murmur, looking down at my feet. I hate when people are angry at me.

"Yeah, it's fine." He says coldly, before shutting the door leaving me alone in the empty hallway.

I stand there staring at the door for a second before quickly turning around and walking back to my room. I open the hotel door, and close it behind me. I needed some fresh air, so I walk over to my balcony and sit on the porch.

I admire the city, and my thoughts wander to Harry. He can be so confusing sometimes. One minutes he's having a civil conversation with me, and then the next he's being so cold and angry. His moods switch so quickly, and it's hard to tell if he hates my guts or looks at me as a friend.

It's funny, the whole reason I agreed to this road trip was to get to know him, and the only thing I've figured out is that he doesn't believe in love. I guess it's a start.

My thoughts are interrupted by the ringing of my phone. I walk into my room and find my phone laying face down on my dresser. As soon as I pick it up and read the name, I grow nervous. Dylan was calling me. I hesitate for a second, not knowing if I should answer or not. I know I should, it was probably the smart thing to do. But, me being the dumbass that I am, I decide against it, and I press the decline button.
ok so this chapter was kind of a filler chapter. it's kinda boring but it's purpose is to kind of explain where harry and olivia are right now. next chapter will be much more interesting! anyways, thank you guys for all the votes :) feel free to comment on the stories also! thank you <3

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