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song; exile by taylor swift
play when you see the**
also changing some lyrics to match the story ;))

"You'll see me in hindsight tangled up with you... damnit." I whisper quietly to myself as I tap my pencil up and down on the sheet of paper I've been writing on for an hour now.

I've had this idea for a song for a week now and haven't been able to get it to click yet. It popped into my head the night Harry wrote that song for me a week ago, and I haven't been able to figure it out. It's like it's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't finish it.

I've gotten to the bridge and now I am just completely stuck, my mind trying to find ways to connect my experiences into lyrics, but it was all feeling like a messy jumble right now.

It's been a week since I last really talked to Harry. It's not like I'm avoiding him or something, we just haven't really seen each other. We've both been going to the studio at different times and we both have other things going on.

He's been spotted with Victoria again, and I went on another date with Liam. We just watched a movie and had dinner together, nothing special or fancy, just nice and classy. It was fun actually, he was being very sweet and I had a good time with him.

I would say Harrys been off of my mind some, but I think it is simply because I've been so busy. After that night at my house when I cried like a baby in his arms I fell asleep on the couch beside him, I woke up several hours later he was gone. I've bumped into him several times since then, but haven't asked him about anything that happened. It's just been a shared 'hello' and then we'll both go out separate ways.

It's kinda nice though, I definitely needed a break from him. I think seeing him everyday was not helping me at all get over him, so it's nice being able to take some time to myself, even if that time is being spent on writing songs about him. 

So here I am at the studio at ten o'clock at night, sitting in the spinny chair with a notebook in my lap and scribbling down ideas for this song. I have a chorus and a couple verses, but I can't seem to get the bridge yet. I've been working on it on the guitar and it's been great so far, but I'm stuck now.

"Burning it down... someday when you leave me I bet these memories will follow you..." I write down on the sheet of paper messily, my hand cramping from how long I've been writing. I lift my hand up and shake it a little, trying to get the pain to go away as I slowly tilt my head back and roll it, my neck aching too.

"Pizza!" Someone suddenly bursts through the door, making me quickly shoot my head up and shut my notebook, my eyes going wide with the sudden loud noise.

I look up to see a familiar blonde boy running through the door with three boxes of pizza in his hands, carrying them not so carefully to the coffee table. I watch him with my eyes wide, completely dumbfounded as to what was happening right now.

"Niall, what... when...."

"Spit it out woman!" He says, setting the pizza boxes down on the table in front of me and standing up straight. He places his hands on his hips as he gives me a crooked, proud smile.

"What are you doing here? It's ten o'clock." I say, running my hands through my hair, confused as to why he was here and how he knew I was here.

"Frank told me you were still here, and you were here six hours ago too. I assumed you haven't eaten yet so I brought you some pizza. I thought we could help you out." He smiles proudly, bending over and opening the box on the top to reveal a cheese pizza with pepperoni.

He was right, I hadn't eaten and that pizza looked very good. I couldn't help but smile a little at the kind gesture.

"We?" I ask, watching him as he takes a slice and shoves it in his mouth. He nods through his mouthful of pizza before turning to the door again, and within seconds Louis storms in.

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