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TW: this chapter does contain the subject of drugs and assault. just a warning.

Olivia Thomson

I have to break up with Dylan. I know I do.

If I truly loved Dylan, I wouldn't be feeling the way I do about Harry.

Harry makes me feel so many things, some of them bad and some of them good. He can go from making me want to rip his head off to wanting to kiss him. It's crazy, I know. But, he makes me feel alive. He likes to go on adventures, and he doesn't care what the fuck people think. He's a free spirit, and I am incredibly attracted to it.

I know Harry isn't big on sorry's, but admitting he was wrong this morning was a big step forward for him. He's as stubborn and hard headed as it gets, so for me to be able to teach him a lesson is a huge accomplishment. I didn't mean to give him the silent treatment and annoy him that much, but whatever I did worked.

The only thing about breaking up with Dylan, is that I know I am going to end up embarrassing myself.

I know Harry doesn't date, and I am well aware of the fact he does not like me in any romantic way, and I have to accept that. But I can't keep leading Dylan on, when all I think about is Harry. It's not fair to any of us.

I just hope Harry doesn't give me a hard time for it. I know he's going to probably feel weird if I tell him why I am ending it with Dylan. So I am not going to tell Harry at all. If he asks, then sure, but if not then he doesn't have to know.

So, here I am, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Laying in bed alone, trying to figure out what to do.

I don't know if I should call Dylan and do it right now while I still have the courage, or if I need to wait to see him in person.

For a two year relationship, it would be pretty shitty of me to just call him and say 'hey I disappeared for a week with a famous rock star and now I am breaking up with you!'.

But, I am nervous at how he will react. The past conversations I have had with Dylan he's been getting angrier and angrier, which makes me a little scared to break up with him in person. I know he won't hit me— but there is always that thought in the back of your mind.

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted when I hear a knock on the door, "Who is it?" I yell from my bed.

"Your best-friend." I hear the familiar English accent come through the door. I bite my lip to contain my smile, excited to see him. Even though he just friend zoned me.

God, I sound like a school girl.

"Come in!" I shout. The door opens and in comes Harry, the smell of cigarettes and vanilla cologne immediately filling the room.

"Hi." He says with a faint smile as he approaches the edge of my bed where I was lying down. He had a playful look in his eyes, and the way he said hi had a hint of excitement in it.

"Hello, love." I say with an English accent, mocking him and giving him a cheeky grin. He rolls his eyes in response with an annoyed smile.

"Ha-ha." He laughs sarcastically, now standing at the very edge of the bed by side so he was hovering over me.

"What's up?" I ask, fiddling with my thumbs that were rested on my stomach.

"What are you doing?" He ignores my question
and reaches out to grab my phone that was in my hands, taking it and setting it aside on the night stand. His voice had a hint of mischief in it, making me grow a little nervous but mainly excited.

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