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The rest of the week flew by, and now it was already Saturday.

I am getting ready to meet Harry and Frank at the studio, and I am kinda dreading it. After spending all week catching up on sleep that I missed because of the tour, I forgot how much I love being lazy. But it was finally time to start working again.

I'm in my bathroom getting ready, washing my face and doing my hair. I apply some light foundation and concealer to cover the dark circles under my eyes. I curl my eyelashes and then put on some light mascara. Then, I apply some eye liner on my bottom lid, then doing a small wing on the top one.

After I finish with my face, I walk over to my closet, finding a black spaghetti string tank top and some denim shorts. I slip the clothes on, and then rummage through my shoes to find some Doc Martins. Even though it was the middle of June, in New York it's still kind of chilly, so I grab a white cardigan and slip it on over my black top.

I didn't feel like doing anything with my hair, so I just grab a hair clip and pull the front two chunks back, holding them in place with the clip.

I grab all my things and stuff then into my small brown leather handbag. I head out of the apartment, taking the elevator downstairs and make my way out of the lobby and into the busy streets of New York. This was my first time being out my apartment in a week, so the sun was nearly blinding. I reach into my handbag and grab my pair of sunglasses, putting them on.

I keep my head down low, I didn't really feel like taking pictures right now. I just needed to get to the parking garage and then I'll be okay.

I cross the street, making my way into the parking garage. I haven't ridden my car in months, and I was super excited. We have to keep it in a private parking garage while I am on tour, and man have I missed it. Driving is one of my favorite things to do. When I am stressed I just roll the windows down and blast music, and it usually helps.

I walk through the garage and find my small, pastel yellow Volkswagen beetle. Man, I love my car. When I first started making a decent amount of money from my music, the first thing I bought was this car. I adore it.

I dig my keys out my purse and unlock the door, climbing into the small car. The leather was soft and smooth, the most comfortable car ever. I turn the radio on, and drive out of the parking lot.

The drive to the studio was probably an hour and fifteen minutes long, and the whole time I was just listening to music with the windows down.

I was in a small vacation destination called Fire Island. It was a small beach town off the coast of Long Island, and it was super nice. Harry and his team must've found a small recording studio to rent out.

I am glad it's not in the city though, usually if someone sees you in the city they post about it, and then the paparazzi shows up.

I park outside of the small building. It was in a small beach town. An odd place for a recording studio, but I am not complaining. The building looked like a small beach house almost. It was a light blue color, matching the theme of the beach town.

I knock on the front door, hoping Frank would answer. After a couple seconds, the door abruptly opens, and I am meet with Frank's tall figure.

"Olivia! Come in!" He says, moving out of the way gesturing me to come in.

"Hey Frank! Thanks." I say, walking past Frank and taking in my surroundings.

I was in a small beach house, and I was very confused. It was white inside, with pictures of Frank and his family. There were sea shelled decorations all over the place.

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