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^for future reference:)
(also the girl in the picture is not supposed to look like/be olivia, im simply using the picture because of the setting) enjoy!
The rest of the day was spent avoiding Harry and walking through the streets of Lancaster, a beautiful city in Pennsylvania. I went out to lunch and got coffee, and actually did some shopping. I only got a couple pairs of tshirts, but it was still a successful trip. Plus, I only got noticed twice, which is much different from in New York. I can barely walk the streets in New York.

I didn't bother asking Harry if he wanted to come with me because of our last interaction. I needed some time alone and to gather my thoughts, or to just stay sane. I've also been contemplating what to do with this Dylan situation.

I know I should probably tell him what's happening, and honestly I don't know why I'm not doing it. I guess I am nervous he's- No, I know he's going to get mad. Which is why I am avoiding it. Even thought he has no right to be upset with me, I can make my own decisions.

Anyways, now it's about 7 at night, and I am in my hotel room, alone, watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Embarrassing, right?

I haven't talked to Harry, and I am really nervous to. I always avoid awkward situations, no matter what. So I am definitely not going to be the first one to say something. Plus, he's probably with a girl right now anyways.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a knocking on my door. Room service.

I quickly jump out of my bed and leap to the door, standing on my tippy toes to look through the hole first to check and see who it is. Seeing it's just the room service guy, I open the door and greet him with a smile.

"Miss.Thomson?" He asks. He had a whole cart of food on display, definitely way too much for me.

"That's me." I smile, opening the door more and stepping to the side, gesturing for him to come in.

He steps in and slides the cart to the edge of the bed. I follow him in the room and sit in front of where he placed the cart.

"Thank you. How much do I owe you?" I ask, reaching over to grab my purse from my nightstand.

"Thirty-eight dollars and seventy-five cents." He says, folding his arms behind his back. Right as I was about to grab the money out of my wallet, I hear a familiar voice from outside the doorway.

"Who's this?" I hear. I immediately shoot my head up to see Harry standing in the doorway. He was leant against the side of the door, his left leg crossed over his right one and his arms crossed over his chest. His hair was wet and he was wearing his normal black shirt and black jeans. He must've just taken a shower.

"Room service." I say, forming my lips into a line and nodding.

"Ah. Here I got it." he says, walking over to us and reaching into his back pocket to reveal a one hundred dollar bill.

He grabs the mans hand and opens it up, placing the bill into it.

"Sir I-"

"Keep the change." Harry interrupts him while sticking his hands in his pockets.

"Thank you." The man says, before giving me a nod and walking out of the room.

"You didn't really have to pay-"

"Yeah, well I was hungry." He interrupts before grabbing the edge of the chair that was in the desk and dragging it over to the other side of the cart. He sits down in the chair and starts to take the lid off of all the food.

"Oh- um. Well I guess you can have some-"

"I paid for it didn't I?" He says, looking up at me before grabbing a fork and a knife, starting to cut into his food.

Rising Stars [H.S]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora