He's Lying

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Taco carefully snuck forwards. If she was correct, Teardrop was on the patio in front of the bathroom buildings, while Taco was at the back. Slowly and quietly, she placed a hand on the wall in front of her and concentrated. Her hand passed right through.

Grinning, Taco pushed the rest of her body through, then continued forward and peeled out the front. Yup - Teardrop was there, none the wiser. Taco took a deep breath and yelled, "BOO!!"

Teardrop leapt straight up into the air and landed on her butt. "Hey!" she spoke in Taco's voice, annoyed. "That wasn't funny!"

"Drat," Taco said, her laughter cut off. "I forgot you could do that."

"Well, I forgot you could do that!"

"This is so weird. I feel like I'm having a conversation with myself."

"I feel weird just having a conversation."

"IIIIIIIIINCOMIIIIINGG!" a new voice yelled. Both girls glanced to the left just in time for Ruby to barrel straight into Teardrop, her super speed sending both of them flying. Taco just shook her head and pulled her body out from the wall. "All these powers are gonna take some getting used to."

"I've already gotten used to them."

Taco turned again, startled. Somehow, Pillow had managed to sneak up on her. "Really? Already?"

"Yeah. Being able to see the future helps a lot."

"Woah woah woah, back up." Taco needed a second. "You can tell the future?"

"Yes, it's quite interesting! But only by a day at most." Abruptly, Pillow started to walk away, then turned back to Taco. "Oh yeah. Watch out."

She strolled off. What? Taco wondered, just before a laser beam sliced her in half. "Sorry, Taco!" Blocky called out from far across the field.


Donut leaned against the half-intact tree by Cloudy's collection, meticulously removing the colored sticky notes which pinpointed various bits and pieces of his diary. As it was a fragile book, he didn't want to accidentally damage it, but that only made the process slow.

A shadow from behind loomed over him, and he sighed. "Gelatin, for the last time, I don't want to see your magnetism right now-"

Whoever was behind him cleared their throat, and Donut realized it was not Gelatin. He turned around and almost leapt out of his 'skin' when he saw Loser standing there, hands folded behind his back. "Hello, Donut," he said in his scratchy voice.

Donut recovered quickly. "Uh, hello?" he said back awkwardly. "Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry," Loser said. "I just came by to right a wrong."


Loser pointed to Donut's diary. "The other day, when I said that I never read your book, that was... a lie."

"Hah!" Donut burst out. "I knew it!"

"I wanted to apologize both for the deception and for the invasion of privacy," Loser continued, unfazed. "I had a moment of weakness while trapped inside that jawbreaker and simply couldn't help myself. As for the deception, well, I have to keep my reputation intact, you know." He extended his hand and smiled warmly. "Truce?"

Instinctively, Donut almost reached out to shake hands, then hesitated. Loser sounded genuine, he really did. But something

(he's lying he's not sorry at all)

told him that Loser was, in fact, not genuine. So Donut retracted his hand and tried for a smile. "Sure. Truce. I don't do handshakes, though." Two can play the liar's game, he thought to himself.

Loser nodded understandingly and retracted his own hand. "Did you, uh," Donut continued, afraid to ask. "Did you see anything about... Bomby in there?"

The cuboid glanced at him curiously. "Not that I can recall. I only skimmed about eighty percent of the book and put those sticky notes down for later, only to remember that it wasn't appropriate to read someone else's secrets and put the diary down. Why?"


"Just wondering."

so uh

I read Carrie recently

anyway sorry for the shorter chapter, I've got another planned to release semi-soon

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